Learn French

glot.space is a no-fuss language French learning platform that will get you from zero to basic-fluent in no time.

🇫🇷 Salut, comment ça va?

🇺🇸 Hi, how are you?

🇫🇷 Je vais très bien, merci ! Tu parles français maintenant ?

🇺🇸 I'm great thanks! Do you speak French now?

🇫🇷 Oui ! J'ai commencé à apprendre récemment.

🇺🇸 Yes! I've been learning recently.

🇫🇷 Comment tu apprends ?

🇺🇸 How do you learn?

🇫🇷 J'utilise glot.space, c'est un excellent site web.

🇺🇸 I use glot.space, it's a great website.

🇫🇷 Ça a l'air génial. Comment puis-je commencer ?

🇺🇸 Sounds amazing. How can I get started?

🇫🇷 Clique simplement sur 'Commencer ici' et choisis ta langue !

🇺🇸 Simply click on 'Start Here' and choose your language!

🇫🇷 Tellement facile. Je commence maintenant !

🇺🇸 So easy. Starting now!

🇫🇷 Bonne chance !

🇺🇸 Good luck!

🇫🇷 Merci :)

🇺🇸 Thanks :)



Native speakers
77M 🗣️
Official language in
29 countries 🌍
Active vocabulary
20k-30k 📚
medium 🤔
Closest langauges
Italian, Spanish
⏳ Avg. time to basics
600-750 hours ⏳

French Online For Free

Learning French offers broad cultural, academic, and professional benefits. As an official language in multiple international bodies like the UN and EU, it opens up career opportunities in diplomacy, international relations, and business. Around 1,500-2,000 vocabulary words are needed for basic conversational fluency. For English speakers, achieving general proficiency could take approximately 600-750 hours. Basic French grammar, including verb conjugations, tenses, and the use of articles (le, la, les), can be learned within a few months. While French grammar can be intricate, mastering it enhances clarity and enables deeper engagement with French-speaking cultures.

French + glot.space



Build a strong foundation by learning the most commonly used words and grammatical structures.

In English for example, to engage in everyday conversation on a wide range of topics, you'll likely need to know between 1,500 to 2,500 words. This should allow you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and understand the responses you receive.


100% Efficiency

Get the best return on the time you invest in learning.

We use AI-powered frequency dictionaries that will spoon-feed you the most popular words, idioms and sayings in the language of your choice.


100 Most Frequent Verbs in French

Top 100 verbs to get started.


100 Most Frequent Adjectives in French

Top 100 adjectives to get basics.

10 Powerful Multi-Faceted Verbs in French

One verb - many meanings! Learn the most useful.


Useful Idioms To Get Started in French

Memorize sayings that can be used in conversation.


Templates For Using Past Tense in French

Most common words and sentence structures.


Tailored vocabulary

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is cool...

You know what's more cool? Knowing the one that you will most probably use the most.

Practice what you will actually need. Specific vocabulary that a marketing specialist uses on daily basis will be (usually) much different than the one of a doctor or a personal trainer.

With glot.space, you will be able to find specific vocabulary lists that will enrich your language skills in the direction that you select.




















Gamified practice

Grow some linguistic muscles fast.
Our language training gym module learns how you learn and helps proactively fix the gaps in your knowledge.

include graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I learn French?

French is a global language spoken by over 220 million people worldwide. It's the official language in 29 countries and an official language of many international organizations. Learning French can expand your professional opportunities, especially in fields like diplomacy, journalism, education, and tourism. French culture has a significant influence on art, literature, philosophy, music, and food, so understanding French can provide deeper insights into these areas. Additionally, French is considered a stepping stone to learning other Romance languages. Lastly, cognitive benefits of learning a new language include improved memory, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills.

What are some challenges of learning French?

While learning any foreign language presents challenges, some specific to French include its grammatical structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. French grammar has several rules and exceptions, such as gendered nouns and numerous verb conjugations. French pronunciation can be difficult for non-native speakers due to nasal vowels, silent letters, and liaison (connecting consonant sounds). Additionally, while French and English share a lot of vocabulary due to their Latin roots, there are many false cognates that can be misleading. Despite these challenges, with regular practice and immersion, one can become proficient in French.

What resources are available for learning French?

There are numerous resources available for learning French. Online language platforms like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive French lessons. For grammar, websites like Lawless French are very useful. Podcasts such as 'Coffee Break French' and 'FrenchPod101' are great for improving listening skills. Watching French movies or TV shows can enhance comprehension and expose you to colloquial language use. Reading French books, newspapers, or comics can help build vocabulary and improve reading skills. Lastly, language exchange platforms can connect you with native French speakers for practice.

How can I improve my French pronunciation?

Improving French pronunciation requires a lot of listening and practice. Start by familiarizing yourself with the sounds of the French language, focusing on those that don't exist in English, such as the French 'r' and nasal vowels. Use pronunciation guides and listen to the pronunciation of words on websites like Forvo or WordReference. Repeat after native speakers, trying to mimic their intonation and rhythm. Recording yourself can help identify areas for improvement. Using tongue twisters can also be a fun way to practice difficult sounds. Don't be afraid of making mistakes as they are part of the learning process.

How can I expand my French vocabulary?

There are several ways to expand your French vocabulary. Regularly reading French books, newspapers, or websites can expose you to new words and phrases. Using flashcards or apps with spaced repetition systems can help memorize vocabulary effectively. Try to use new words in sentences to understand their context and remember them better. You can also keep a vocabulary journal to note down new words. Watching French movies or listening to French music can introduce colloquial language and slang. It's also important to review and practice regularly to reinforce memory.

How can I practice French daily?

Incorporating French into your daily routine can provide consistent practice. You can start your day with a French podcast or radio station. Use language learning apps for a few minutes during your break. Try to think or talk to yourself in French to practice producing the language. Watch a French TV show or movie, or read a French book or article in your spare time. Switch your phone or social media to French for extra exposure. Engage with language exchange partners or French-speaking friends if possible. Every bit of daily practice adds up and helps improve your French.

How important is immersion in learning French?

Immersion is a powerful way to learn French as it surrounds you with the language, forcing you to understand and produce the language in various contexts. Immersion can be physical, like living in a French-speaking country and engaging in daily activities in French. It can also be virtual, like consuming French media, participating in French online communities, or using French in your daily digital interactions. Immersion not only accelerates your language acquisition but also gives you a deeper understanding of French culture and colloquial language use.

What role does French culture play in learning French?

Understanding French culture is crucial in learning French as language and culture are deeply intertwined. It helps you understand the context and connotations of words and phrases, making your language use more natural and appropriate. It provides insights into French customs, values, and ways of thinking, which can enhance your communication with French speakers. Exploring French literature, film, music, and cuisine can make your learning experience more enjoyable and meaningful. Whether it's celebrating French holidays, learning French etiquette, or understanding French humor, cultural knowledge is invaluable in mastering French.

How can I maintain motivation while learning French?

Maintaining motivation can be achieved through setting clear, achievable goals and tracking your progress. Recognize your small victories and treat them as encouragement. Vary your learning methods to keep it fun and interesting - use apps, read books, watch movies, listen to songs, join language clubs. Find real-life applications for French to make your learning relevant and rewarding, such as traveling to French-speaking countries, ordering at a French restaurant, or making French-speaking friends. Remember why you started learning French and imagine how rewarding it will be when you can understand and speak the language fluently.

Is French a difficult language to learn?

The difficulty of learning French can vary depending on your native language and your experience with learning other languages. For English speakers, French is considered one of the easier languages to learn. The two languages share a lot of vocabulary due to Latin and Norman influences. However, French grammar and pronunciation can be challenging, with several rules and exceptions. But with regular practice, these can be mastered over time. Additionally, there are many resources available for learning French, making it more accessible for learners.

Can learning French improve my career opportunities?

Absolutely, learning French can significantly improve your career opportunities. French is the official language in many international organizations, such as the UN, NATO, and EU. Proficiency in French can be advantageous in fields like diplomacy, journalism, tourism, and academia. Many multinational corporations operate in French-speaking countries, and knowledge of French can be a valuable asset. Furthermore, learning French improves your cross-cultural communication skills, which are highly valued in today's globalized workplace. Even in fields not directly related to French, employers often see language skills as a sign of a proactive and adaptable employee.