Learn German

glot.space is a no-fuss language German learning platform that will get you from zero to basic-fluent in no time.

🇩🇪 Hallo, wie geht's dir?

🇺🇸 Hi, how are you?

🇩🇪 Super, danke! Sprichst du jetzt Deutsch?

🇺🇸 I'm great thanks! Do you speak German now?

🇩🇪 Ja! Ich lerne seit kurzem.

🇺🇸 Yes! I've been learning recently.

🇩🇪 Wie lernst du?

🇺🇸 How do you learn?

🇩🇪 Ich benutze glot.space, es ist großartig.

🇺🇸 I use glot.space, it's great.

🇩🇪 Klingt fantastisch. Wie fange ich an?

🇺🇸 Sounds amazing. How do I get started?

🇩🇪 Klicke einfach auf 'Start Here' und wähle deine Sprache!

🇺🇸 Simply click on 'Start Here' and choose your language!

🇩🇪 So einfach. Ich fange jetzt an!

🇺🇸 So easy. Starting now!

🇩🇪 Viel Glück!

🇺🇸 Good luck!

🇩🇪 Danke :)

🇺🇸 Thanks :)



Native speakers
90M 🗣️
Official language in
6 countries 🌍
Active vocabulary
20k-30k 📚
medium 🤔
Closest langauges
Dutch, English
⏳ Avg. time to basics
750-900 hours ⏳

German Online For Free

Learning German enhances career prospects, especially in engineering, finance, and academia, and deepens appreciation for Western philosophy and literature. An English speaker typically needs about 1,000-2,000 vocabulary words for basic fluency. While it may take 600-750 hours of study to reach general proficiency, basic grammar—including cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive), gender (der, die, das), and verb conjugations—can be grasped in a few months. German's precise but intricate grammar provides both a challenge and a tool for clear communication. Proficiency in German significantly aids in understanding cultural nuances and opens doors for travel and business.

German + glot.space



Build a strong foundation by learning the most commonly used words and grammatical structures.

In English for example, to engage in everyday conversation on a wide range of topics, you'll likely need to know between 1,500 to 2,500 words. This should allow you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and understand the responses you receive.


100% Efficiency

Get the best return on the time you invest in learning.

We use AI-powered frequency dictionaries that will spoon-feed you the most popular words, idioms and sayings in the language of your choice.


100 Most Frequent Verbs in German

Top 100 verbs to get started.


100 Most Frequent Adjectives in German

Top 100 adjectives to get basics.

10 Powerful Multi-Faceted Verbs in German

One verb - many meanings! Learn the most useful.


Useful Idioms To Get Started in German

Memorize sayings that can be used in conversation.


Templates For Using Past Tense in German

Most common words and sentence structures.


Tailored vocabulary

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is cool...

You know what's more cool? Knowing the one that you will most probably use the most.

Practice what you will actually need. Specific vocabulary that a marketing specialist uses on daily basis will be (usually) much different than the one of a doctor or a personal trainer.

With glot.space, you will be able to find specific vocabulary lists that will enrich your language skills in the direction that you select.




















Gamified practice

Grow some linguistic muscles fast.
Our language training gym module learns how you learn and helps proactively fix the gaps in your knowledge.

include graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I learn German?

German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union and the official language in seven countries. It opens up a wealth of opportunities in business, tourism, and academia, especially in fields like engineering, manufacturing, and philosophy. Moreover, German-speaking countries have a rich cultural heritage, with significant contributions to literature, music, and science. Learning German also gives you access to a broad spectrum of contemporary and classic cultural phenomena, from cinema to literature. Additionally, understanding German can provide deeper insights into a region that plays a vital role in global economics and politics.

Is German a difficult language to learn?

German can present challenges for learners, particularly those native to languages that don't share the same Germanic roots. The grammar can seem complex initially, with several noun cases, verb conjugations, and a sentence structure that places the verb at the end in many cases. However, English and German share many cognates, which can make vocabulary acquisition somewhat easier. Also, German is more phonetically consistent than English, meaning words are usually pronounced the way they're written. With regular practice and immersion, you can progressively overcome these challenges and become proficient in German.

What are some effective strategies for learning German?

Successful strategies for learning German include consistency, varied practice, and immersion. Regular, short language practice sessions are more beneficial than infrequent, longer ones. Engage with the language in different ways—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—to build a well-rounded understanding. Use tools like language apps, flashcards, and grammar exercises for structured learning, and balance this with exposure to German media like films, music, and news for immersion. Participating in language exchange programs or conversational practice with native speakers can significantly boost your speaking confidence and fluency.

How long does it take to become fluent in German?

The time it takes to become fluent in German can vary widely depending on your native language, any other languages you might already speak, the intensity and consistency of your study, and your personal aptitude for language learning. The Foreign Service Institute classifies German as a Category II language, suggesting that a native English speaker would need approximately 30 weeks or 750 classroom hours of intensive study to achieve general proficiency. However, remember that language learning is not a race; the journey and the progress you make are just as important.

What resources can I use to learn German?

There is an abundance of resources available for learning German. Language learning platforms like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel provide structured learning paths. Online tutoring services like iTalki can connect you with native German speakers for conversation practice. Websites like Deutsche Welle offer a wealth of multimedia content for all learning levels. German-language movies, music, and books can improve your listening and reading comprehension. Lastly, language learning apps like Anki can help with vocabulary building.

How important is pronunciation in German?

Pronunciation in German is crucial as it can impact the meaning of words and thus your overall comprehension and communication. German includes a few sounds that don't exist in English, such as the guttural 'ch' and the sharp 's' represented by 'ß'. Moreover, German has clear rules for word stress, which generally falls on the first syllable. However, German is relatively phonetic, so once you've learned the sounds associated with the letters and letter combinations, pronouncing German words correctly is relatively straightforward.

What is the role of grammar in learning German?

Grammar plays a critical role in learning German, as it dictates how words are ordered and modified to express different meanings. Key aspects of German grammar include four noun case endings (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive), three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), and verb conjugations for different tenses and moods. Though initially, German grammar might seem complex, understanding its rules can greatly improve your ability to construct sentences and express a wide range of thoughts and ideas in German.

Can I learn German by watching movies or listening to music?

Watching German movies and listening to German music can greatly enhance your language learning by improving your listening skills, teaching you colloquial language and slang, and exposing you to regional accents and dialects. This sort of immersive learning also helps you understand cultural references and social cues. However, while these methods are an excellent supplement to language learning, they should not replace more structured forms of study that focus on grammar, vocabulary, and speaking practice.

How is the German writing system different from the English one?

The German writing system is quite similar to the English one as both languages use the Latin alphabet. However, German has a few special characters that don't exist in English: ä, ö, ü, and ß. The first three are vowel modifications, while 'ß' is a sharp 's' sound. German also capitalizes all nouns, unlike English. Otherwise, if you can write in English, you'll find the German writing system familiar and straightforward.

How can I practice speaking German if I don't live in a German-speaking country?

There are numerous ways to practice speaking German outside of a German-speaking country. You can use language exchange apps or websites to connect with native German speakers for conversational practice. Online tutoring platforms provide opportunities for structured lessons and feedback on your speaking. German clubs or meetups, both in-person and online, can offer social, interactive language practice. You can also leverage technology to practice speaking German by narrating tasks in your daily life, recording and listening to yourself, or using voice recognition software.

What's the best way to expand my German vocabulary?

Expanding your German vocabulary requires consistent practice and exposure to the language. Flashcards, language apps, and vocabulary lists can be useful tools for learning new words. Reading German books, newspapers, and online articles can expose you to a wide variety of words in context. Watching German films and TV shows can help you pick up colloquial and idiomatic expressions. Moreover, practicing speaking and writing in German regularly can help you internalize and actively use new vocabulary. Lastly, try to think in German throughout the day, as this can speed up your recall of words.

How can I understand German grammar better?

To understand German grammar better, start with the basics, such as noun genders and cases, verb conjugation, and sentence structure. Use textbooks, online tutorials, and language apps for explicit grammar instruction. Practice exercises and quizzes can reinforce what you learn. Additionally, exposure to German through reading and listening can help you understand how grammar works in real-world contexts. Don't be afraid to make mistakes when practicing speaking or writing; these can provide valuable learning opportunities. Finally, consider working with a tutor or language exchange partner who can give you feedback and answer questions.

Why is the German language so different in different regions of Germany?

Language variation within Germany can be attributed to historical, geographical, and social factors. Over time, distinct dialects developed in different regions, influenced by local conditions and contacts with different cultures. These dialects, such as Bavarian, Low German, and Swabian, have their own unique pronunciation, vocabulary, and sometimes even grammar. Moreover, social factors like education and social class can influence how people speak. While standard German is used in formal settings and taught in schools, regional dialects remain strong in everyday speech, particularly in rural areas and among older generations.

How important is it to learn German if I plan to travel or work in Germany?

While many Germans speak English, particularly in larger cities and tourist areas, learning German can significantly enhance your travel or work experience. Knowing German can help you navigate everyday situations, understand local culture, and build relationships with Germans more effectively. If you plan to work in Germany, knowing German can open up more job opportunities and help you navigate professional environments. Even basic conversational skills can make a big difference in how you interact with people and experience the country.

Are there any key phrases or expressions I should learn when starting to learn German?

Yes, there are some key phrases that can be very helpful when you're starting to learn German. These include greetings ('Hallo' - Hello, 'Guten Morgen' - Good morning), polite phrases ('Bitte' - Please, 'Danke' - Thank you, 'Entschuldigung' - Excuse me), and useful questions ('Wo ist...?' - Where is...?, 'Wie viel kostet das?' - How much does this cost?, 'Können Sie mir helfen?' - Can you help me?). Learning these basic expressions can help you manage everyday situations in German.

How can I maintain my German language skills?

Maintaining your German skills requires regular use of the language. Try to incorporate German into your daily routine: listen to German radio or podcasts, watch German TV shows or movies, read German books or news. Practice speaking German with friends, language exchange partners, or tutors. Attend German cultural events or join German language clubs or online communities. Continue learning and expanding your vocabulary and understanding of grammar. Remember, language learning is an ongoing process, and regular practice is key to maintaining and improving your skills.

Why do some German words seem so long?

German is known for its long compound words. In German, you can combine several words to form a new word that conveys a complex idea or description. This is called 'compound word' formation and is a standard feature of the German language. For example, the word 'Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung' combines 'Geschwindigkeit' (speed) and 'Begrenzung' (limitation) to mean 'speed limit'. While these words can seem intimidating, they become more manageable once you understand the smaller words that make them up and the rules for combining words.

What's the difference between 'du' and 'Sie' in German?

In German, there are two ways to say 'you': 'du' and 'Sie'. 'Du' is the informal form, used with family, friends, children, and pets. 'Sie' is the formal form, used in more formal or respectful situations, such as with strangers, in professional settings, or when addressing someone significantly older. When in doubt, it's generally safer to use 'Sie' until the other person suggests using 'du'. This distinction between formal and informal 'you' is an important aspect of social interactions in German.

Can I learn German just by using an app?

Language learning apps can be a great tool for learning German, especially for beginners. They offer structured lessons, interactive exercises, pronunciation guides, and often gamify the learning process to keep you motivated. However, to achieve fluency and a comprehensive understanding of German, you will likely need to supplement app-based learning with other resources. Reading, writing, listening to German media, and practicing speaking with native speakers are all essential components of language learning that an app alone may not fully provide.

What are some common mistakes people make when learning German?

Common mistakes when learning German include not learning the gender of nouns, not understanding the four German cases, or getting confused by the flexible sentence structure where verbs can move around. Others might struggle with pronunciation of certain sounds, such as 'ch' or 'ü', or neglect the different tenses and moods in German verb conjugation. Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. The key is to learn from these mistakes, and keep practicing and exposing yourself to the language.