Learn Yiddish

glot.space is a no-fuss language Yiddish learning platform that will get you from zero to basic-fluent in no time.

אָ שלום, ווי גייט עס?

🇺🇸 Hi, how are you?

אָ איך בין גרויסערטיק, דאַנק. רעדסטו איצט ייִדיש?

🇺🇸 I'm great thanks! Do you speak Yiddish now?

אָ יאָ! איך האָב זיך לעצטנס אױסגעלערנט.

🇺🇸 Yes! I've been learning recently.

אָ ווי לערנסטו?

🇺🇸 How do you learn?

אָ איך נוצ גלאָט.ספּייס, עס איז אַ גרויסע וועבזײַטל.

🇺🇸 I use glot.space, it's a great website.

אָ ס'קלינגט געוואלדיק. ווי קען איך אָנהייבן?

🇺🇸 Sounds amazing. How can I get started?

אָ נאָר קליק אויף 'הייב אָן דאָ' און קלייב דײַן שפּראַך!

🇺🇸 Simply click on 'Start Here' and choose your language!

אָ אַזוי גרינג. איך הייב אָן איצט!

🇺🇸 So easy. Starting now!

אָ גוט מזל!

🇺🇸 Good luck!



Native speakers
1.5M 🗣️
Official language in
None 🌍
Active vocabulary
10k-20k 📚
medium 🤔
Closest langauges
German, Dutch
⏳ Avg. time to basics
600-750 hours ⏳

Yiddish Online For Free

Learning Yiddish offers a unique window into Jewish history, culture, and diaspora. It's particularly insightful for understanding Ashkenazi heritage, as well as various domains of literature, theater, and music that have global influence. For basic fluency, English speakers require around 1,500-2,000 vocabulary words. Because Yiddish has Germanic roots, 600-750 hours can generally lead to proficiency. Key grammatical features include noun genders, a variety of verb tenses, and the use of cases like nominative and dative. Understanding these intricacies enhances the cultural richness of Yiddish-speaking communities and can be useful for academic research or connecting with a vibrant global diaspora.

Yiddish + glot.space



Build a strong foundation by learning the most commonly used words and grammatical structures.

In English for example, to engage in everyday conversation on a wide range of topics, you'll likely need to know between 1,500 to 2,500 words. This should allow you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and understand the responses you receive.


100% Efficiency

Get the best return on the time you invest in learning.

We use AI-powered frequency dictionaries that will spoon-feed you the most popular words, idioms and sayings in the language of your choice.


100 Most Frequent Verbs in Yiddish

Top 100 verbs to get started.


100 Most Frequent Adjectives in Yiddish

Top 100 adjectives to get basics.

10 Powerful Multi-Faceted Verbs in Yiddish

One verb - many meanings! Learn the most useful.


Useful Idioms To Get Started in Yiddish

Memorize sayings that can be used in conversation.


Templates For Using Past Tense in Yiddish

Most common words and sentence structures.


Tailored vocabulary

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is cool...

You know what's more cool? Knowing the one that you will most probably use the most.

Practice what you will actually need. Specific vocabulary that a marketing specialist uses on daily basis will be (usually) much different than the one of a doctor or a personal trainer.

With glot.space, you will be able to find specific vocabulary lists that will enrich your language skills in the direction that you select.




















Gamified practice

Grow some linguistic muscles fast.
Our language training gym module learns how you learn and helps proactively fix the gaps in your knowledge.

include graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I learn Yiddish?

Learning Yiddish can offer a deep connection to Jewish history, culture, and thought. Yiddish literature and theater are rich and varied, reflecting the diversity of the Ashkenazi Jewish experience. Moreover, many words and phrases in Yiddish have made their way into English and other languages, particularly in regions with significant Jewish populations. Learning Yiddish can give you a greater understanding of these influences. Furthermore, Yiddish provides a unique linguistic experience, with its mix of Germanic, Slavic, and Semitic elements.

Is Yiddish a difficult language to learn?

The difficulty of learning Yiddish can vary depending on your native language and language learning experience. If you are a speaker of German or another Germanic language, you may find many familiar elements in Yiddish. However, Yiddish also has vocabulary and grammar from Slavic and Semitic languages, which can be challenging for some learners. Furthermore, the Yiddish alphabet is based on the Hebrew script, which might be difficult for learners unfamiliar with it. As with any language, learning Yiddish requires time, practice, and exposure.

What are some effective strategies for learning Yiddish?

Effective strategies for learning Yiddish include regular practice, exposure to a variety of resources, and active use of the language. Reading Yiddish literature, listening to Yiddish music, and watching Yiddish films or plays can provide valuable language input. Regularly speaking and writing in Yiddish can improve your fluency and confidence. Language exchange with native or fluent Yiddish speakers can provide invaluable practice and feedback. Remember, consistent practice and review are key to language learning.

How long does it take to become fluent in Yiddish?

The time to fluency in Yiddish can vary widely depending on various factors, such as your native language, your prior experience with language learning, the intensity and consistency of your study, and your definition of fluency. For English speakers with no prior experience with Yiddish or related languages, achieving a basic conversational level might take several months of intensive study. However, reaching a high level of fluency, particularly in understanding and using the language in a wide range of contexts, may require several years of study and practical use.

What resources can I use to learn Yiddish?

There are various resources available for learning Yiddish. Online courses like those offered by the Yiddish Book Center or Duolingo provide structured lessons. Yiddish dictionaries, such as the Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary, can be useful for vocabulary building. For listening practice, there are Yiddish radio stations, music, and podcasts. Reading Yiddish literature, newspapers, and websites can improve your reading skills. Lastly, engaging with Yiddish-speaking communities, either in person or online, can provide opportunities for conversation practice.

How important is pronunciation in Yiddish?

Pronunciation in Yiddish is important for effective communication. Yiddish has a number of sounds not found in English, and the pronunciation of vowels and consonants can change the meaning of words. Understanding the Yiddish accent and stress patterns can also greatly improve your pronunciation. Furthermore, Yiddish has several dialects, which have different pronunciation norms. Despite these challenges, with regular listening and pronunciation practice, you can improve your Yiddish pronunciation skills.

What is the role of grammar in learning Yiddish?

Understanding grammar is crucial for learning Yiddish. Yiddish grammar has unique features, such as the use of a non-Germanic syntax in a largely Germanic vocabulary, gender and case distinctions, and verb conjugations. Learning grammar allows you to construct sentences accurately and express a wide range of meanings. Moreover, Yiddish grammar reflects the influences of the languages it has come into contact with, including German, Hebrew, and Slavic languages, which can provide fascinating insights into the history of Yiddish-speaking communities.

Can I learn Yiddish by reading literature or listening to music?

Yes, reading Yiddish literature and listening to Yiddish music can significantly enhance your language learning. These activities can improve your comprehension skills, help you learn new vocabulary, and expose you to a variety of dialects and styles. Moreover, they provide cultural and historical context that can deepen your understanding of Yiddish and the communities that speak it. However, these methods should be used in conjunction with more structured study, as they may not provide comprehensive coverage of grammar or vocabulary, and they lack opportunities for speaking and writing practice.

What is the status of Yiddish today?

Today, Yiddish is spoken by several hundred thousand people, mainly in Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, and other countries. It is also studied and spoken by academics and enthusiasts around the world. There are Yiddish-language newspapers, radio stations, and even theater productions. Furthermore, there is a resurgence of interest in Yiddish among younger generations seeking to reconnect with their cultural heritage. Despite its decline in the mid-20th century, Yiddish remains a vibrant language with a rich literature and a unique perspective on the world.

How can I practice speaking Yiddish if I don't live in a Yiddish-speaking community?

There are several ways to practice speaking Yiddish outside of Yiddish-speaking communities. Online language exchange platforms can connect you with native or fluent Yiddish speakers. You can also find language partners or tutors through social media groups or websites dedicated to Yiddish. Furthermore, you can practice speaking Yiddish by reading aloud, narrating your actions in Yiddish, or even speaking to yourself. The key is to create opportunities to produce the language and receive feedback on your pronunciation and grammar.

What are the main dialects of Yiddish?

Yiddish has two main dialects: Eastern Yiddish and Western Yiddish. Eastern Yiddish, which is further divided into Lithuanian (Litvish), Polish (Polish), and Ukrainian (Ukrainish) dialects, is the form most commonly spoken and studied today. It has a greater Slavic vocabulary influence and is the dialect of most Yiddish literature, including the works of notable writers like Isaac Bashevis Singer. Western Yiddish, which was spoken in Germanic countries, has largely become extinct after the Holocaust but had less Slavic influence and was closer to Middle High German.

How does Yiddish vocabulary compare to other languages?

Yiddish vocabulary is a fascinating mix of several languages. Its primary basis is German, and if you know German, you'll recognize many Yiddish words. However, Yiddish also incorporates a significant number of words from Hebrew, especially related to religious and cultural concepts. There's also a substantial influence from Slavic languages, particularly in Eastern Yiddish dialects. Finally, as Yiddish speakers migrated, they also picked up words from the languages of the countries they settled in, including English. This eclectic vocabulary gives Yiddish its unique character and cultural richness.

What role did Yiddish play in Jewish history?

Yiddish has played a significant role in Jewish history. Emerging around the 10th century among Ashkenazi Jews in Central Europe, it served as a common language for Jews spread across various countries, allowing them to maintain their shared identity and culture. Yiddish was the language of everyday life, as well as of a vibrant literature, theater, and press. It was also the language of significant movements in Jewish politics and thought. Despite efforts to suppress it and the devastation of the Holocaust, Yiddish remains a symbol of Jewish resilience and creativity.

Is Yiddish only spoken by Jews?

While Yiddish is primarily associated with Ashkenazi Jews, it is not only spoken by them. There are scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide from diverse backgrounds who learn and speak Yiddish out of interest in the language, literature, history, and culture. Furthermore, Yiddish has influenced several languages, including English, particularly in areas with substantial Jewish populations, and many people use Yiddish words and phrases without realizing their origin. However, the majority of native Yiddish speakers are indeed from Jewish communities, particularly Orthodox and Hasidic groups.

How different is Yiddish from Hebrew?

Yiddish and Hebrew are distinct languages, each with its own grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Yiddish is a Germanic language, evolved among Ashkenazi Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, with significant influences from Hebrew, Slavic languages, and others. Modern Hebrew, on the other hand, is a Semitic language that was revived as a spoken language in the late 19th and early 20th centuries based on the biblical, rabbinic, and medieval forms of Hebrew. While Yiddish has borrowed a substantial number of words from Hebrew, especially for religious and cultural concepts, the two languages are fundamentally different.

Why does Yiddish use the Hebrew alphabet?

Yiddish uses the Hebrew alphabet primarily because of the historical and cultural connection between Yiddish-speaking Jews and their religious texts, which are written in Hebrew. This usage of the Hebrew alphabet also allowed Yiddish to incorporate Hebrew words easily. Furthermore, the use of the Hebrew script, which is written right to left, distinguishes Yiddish visually and symbolically from the languages of the non-Jewish communities in which Yiddish-speaking Jews lived. However, the pronunciation of many letters in Yiddish is different from their pronunciation in Hebrew.

What is unique about Yiddish literature?

Yiddish literature offers a unique perspective on Jewish life and thought, reflecting the experiences of Ashkenazi Jews in Europe and their diaspora. It encompasses a wide range of genres and themes, from folk tales and religious works to modernist novels and social commentary. Yiddish literature is renowned for its use of humor, irony, and allegory, as well as its exploration of moral and philosophical questions. Notable Yiddish writers include Sholem Aleichem, whose stories inspired the musical Fiddler on the Roof, and Isaac Bashevis Singer, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Can I understand Yiddish if I know German?

Knowing German can definitely help in understanding Yiddish, as a substantial portion of Yiddish vocabulary is Germanic. The grammatical structures of the two languages are also similar. However, Yiddish also contains many words from Hebrew and Slavic languages, as well as unique idioms and expressions, which might not be familiar to German speakers. Furthermore, Yiddish is written in the Hebrew alphabet, not the Latin alphabet used by German. Therefore, while German speakers have an advantage in learning Yiddish, they would still need to study the language to understand it fully.