Learn Polish

glot.space is a no-fuss language Polish learning platform that will get you from zero to basic-fluent in no time.

🇵🇱 Cześć, jak się masz?

🇺🇸 Hi, how are you?

🇵🇱 Świetnie, dzięki! Mówisz teraz po polsku?

🇺🇸 I'm great thanks! Do you speak Polish now?

🇵🇱 Tak! Ostatnio się uczę.

🇺🇸 Yes! I've been learning recently.

🇵🇱 Jak się uczysz?

🇺🇸 How do you learn?

🇵🇱 Używam glot.space, jest rewelacyjne.

🇺🇸 I use glot.space, it's great.

🇵🇱 Brzmi cudnie. Jak mogę zacząć?

🇺🇸 Sounds amazing. How do I get started?

🇵🇱 Po prostu kliknij 'Start Here' i wybierz swój język!

🇺🇸 Simply click on 'Start Here' and choose your language!

🇵🇱 Supcio proste. Zaczynam teraz!

🇺🇸 Super easy. Starting now!

🇵🇱 Powodzenia!

🇺🇸 Good luck!

🇵🇱 Dzięki :)

🇺🇸 Thanks :)



Native speakers
40M 🗣️
Official language in
Poland 🌍
Active vocabulary
20k-30k 📚
medium-hard 🤔
Closest langauges
Czech, Slovak
⏳ Avg. time to basics
600-750 hours ⏳

Polish Online For Free

Learning Polish opens doors to engaging with Poland's rich history and culture, and offers economic opportunities in a growing EU market. Mastering Polish enhances travel experiences in Poland, making interactions more authentic. It is also an asset in industries like IT, engineering, and finance, where Poland is increasingly influential. Understanding Polish is beneficial for academic research in various disciplines and aids in communicating with the Polish diaspora around the world. Furthermore, knowing Polish can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving and multitasking, as it is a challenging language that stimulates mental agility

Polish + glot.space



Build a strong foundation by learning the most commonly used words and grammatical structures.

In English for example, to engage in everyday conversation on a wide range of topics, you'll likely need to know between 1,500 to 2,500 words. This should allow you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and understand the responses you receive.


100% Efficiency

Get the best return on the time you invest in learning.

We use AI-powered frequency dictionaries that will spoon-feed you the most popular words, idioms and sayings in the language of your choice.


100 Most Frequent Verbs in Polish

Top 100 verbs to get started.


100 Most Frequent Adjectives in Polish

Top 100 adjectives to get basics.

10 Powerful Multi-Faceted Verbs in Polish

One verb - many meanings! Learn the most useful.


Useful Idioms To Get Started in Polish

Memorize sayings that can be used in conversation.


Templates For Using Past Tense in Polish

Most common words and sentence structures.


Tailored vocabulary

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is cool...

You know what's more cool? Knowing the one that you will most probably use the most.

Practice what you will actually need. Specific vocabulary that a marketing specialist uses on daily basis will be (usually) much different than the one of a doctor or a personal trainer.

With glot.space, you will be able to find specific vocabulary lists that will enrich your language skills in the direction that you select.




















Gamified practice

Grow some linguistic muscles fast.
Our language training gym module learns how you learn and helps proactively fix the gaps in your knowledge.

include graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective ways to start learning Polish?

There are numerous effective ways to start learning Polish. You can enroll in a language course at a local community college or online. Language learning platforms like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive Polish lessons. Watching Polish movies and listening to Polish music can enhance your comprehension skills. Using flashcards can be an efficient method to build your vocabulary. Additionally, speaking Polish as much as possible, even if it's just to yourself, can boost your confidence. Regular practice and consistency are crucial in learning a new language.

Why should one consider learning Polish?

Polish is a unique and interesting language to learn. Poland has a rich history and culture, and learning Polish can enhance your understanding and appreciation of it. The country has been developing rapidly, and knowledge of Polish can open up business and job opportunities. Polish is also spoken by large immigrant communities around the world. Additionally, learning Polish can be a stepping stone to learning other Slavic languages, as they have several similarities. It also enhances your cognitive abilities and can be a rewarding experience, despite the challenges it presents.

How long does it take to become fluent in Polish?

The time it takes to become fluent in Polish can vary depending on several factors including the learner's dedication, method of learning, and prior experience with language learning. According to the Foreign Service Institute, an English speaker would need about 1,100 classroom hours, or 44 weeks, to achieve professional proficiency in Polish, which falls into Category IV (languages with significant linguistic and/or cultural differences from English). That's roughly equivalent to studying Polish full-time for just over a year. However, the time can be significantly reduced if you are living in a Polish-speaking environment.

What are some common difficulties English speakers face when learning Polish?

English speakers may face several challenges when learning Polish. The Polish language has a complex grammar system, including seven cases for nouns and a number of aspects for verbs. It also has a rich phonetic system with sounds not present in English. The word order in Polish sentences can also be flexible, which can be confusing for English speakers. Additionally, Polish spelling, while generally phonetic, includes special characters and combinations of letters that produce different sounds. The key to overcoming these difficulties is regular practice and exposure to the language.

How important is Polish pronunciation?

Pronunciation in Polish is extremely important, as mispronunciation can lead to misunderstandings or communication breakdowns. Polish is a phonetic language, so words are generally pronounced the way they are spelled. However, Polish has several sounds that do not exist in English, and getting these right can greatly improve your pronunciation. Also, Polish has nasal vowels and consonant clusters that can be challenging for English speakers. Correct pronunciation can also greatly improve your listening comprehension skills, as you become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the language.

How is Polish grammar different from English grammar?

Polish and English grammar have several differences. Polish has a flexible word order, which can be challenging for English speakers used to a fixed word order. Polish also uses a case system for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, which involves changing the end of words based on their role in the sentence. This is something not present in English. Verbs in Polish have different forms based on gender and are also conjugated based on tense and aspect. Another difference is that Polish has no articles, unlike English. Despite these differences, learning Polish grammar can be a rewarding challenge.

What are some tips for memorizing Polish vocabulary?

There are several strategies to help with memorizing Polish vocabulary. Use flashcards and spaced repetition, a system where you review words at increasing intervals over time. Try to use the new words in sentences to understand their context and usage. Reading in Polish can expose you to new words and phrases. It's also helpful to group related words together to learn them as a set. Try using mnemonics, which involve associating words with images or stories to help you remember them. And remember, consistency and regular practice are key to building vocabulary.

How important is understanding Polish culture when learning the language?

Understanding Polish culture is important when learning the language, as it provides context for certain vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. It helps you understand the nuances and connotations of words and phrases that dictionaries might not provide. Additionally, knowing about Polish history, customs, traditions, and social norms can enrich your learning experience and make it more enjoyable. It can also help you communicate more effectively and respectfully with native Polish speakers. Finally, exploring Polish literature, music, and film can provide a more immersive learning experience.

How can I practice my Polish listening skills?

There are several ways to practice your Polish listening skills. You can listen to Polish music, podcasts, and radio broadcasts to get used to the sounds and rhythms of the language. Watching Polish movies and TV shows can also help, especially if they have subtitles. Language learning apps often have listening comprehension exercises. Speaking with native Polish speakers can be very beneficial, as it exposes you to different accents and colloquial speech. Transcribing Polish audio can also reinforce your understanding of spoken Polish.

Can I learn Polish by myself?

Yes, it's possible to learn Polish by yourself. With self-study, you can learn at your own pace and focus on areas you find challenging. There are many resources available such as textbooks, online courses, mobile apps, and language exchange websites. However, learning by yourself requires self-discipline and consistency. It's also important to find ways to practice speaking and listening. Making mistakes is a part of the learning process, so don't be afraid to use the language. It may be helpful to have periodic checks with a tutor or native speaker to correct any persistent errors.