Learn Spanish

glot.space is a no-fuss language Spanish learning platform that will get you from zero to basic-fluent in no time.

🇪🇸 Hola, ¿cómo estás?

🇺🇸 Hi, how are you?

🇪🇸 Estoy genial, ¡gracias! ¿Hablas español ahora?

🇺🇸 I'm great thanks! Do you speak Spanish now?

🇪🇸 ¡Sí! He estado aprendiendo recientemente.

🇺🇸 Yes! I've been learning recently.

🇪🇸 ¿Cómo aprendes?

🇺🇸 How do you learn?

🇪🇸 Uso glot.space, es un sitio web genial.

🇺🇸 I use glot.space, it's a great website.

🇪🇸 Suena increíble. ¿Cómo puedo empezar?

🇺🇸 Sounds amazing. How can I get started?

🇪🇸 Simplemente haz clic en 'Start Here' y elige tu idioma.

🇺🇸 Simply click on 'Start Here' and choose your language!

🇪🇸 Muy fácil. ¡Empezando ahora!

🇺🇸 So easy. Starting now!

🇪🇸 ¡Buena suerte!

🇺🇸 Good luck!

🇪🇸 Gracias :)

🇺🇸 Thanks :)



Native speakers
460M 🗣️
Official language in
21 countries 🌍
Active vocabulary
20k-30k 📚
medium 🤔
Closest langauges
Portuguese, Italian
⏳ Avg. time to basics
600-750 hours ⏳

Spanish Online For Free

Learning Spanish is valuable for personal, professional, and travel opportunities in numerous Spanish-speaking countries like Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. As one of the most spoken languages globally, it opens up diverse career paths in healthcare, law, and international business. Essential for basic fluency are around 1,500-2,000 vocabulary words and core grammar skills. Special focus is needed on verb conjugations, including key tenses like present, preterite, and imperfect. Mastery of these elements, achievable within 600-750 hours for an English speaker, enables clear and nuanced communication, enhancing interactions across the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish + glot.space



Build a strong foundation by learning the most commonly used words and grammatical structures.

In English for example, to engage in everyday conversation on a wide range of topics, you'll likely need to know between 1,500 to 2,500 words. This should allow you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and understand the responses you receive.


100% Efficiency

Get the best return on the time you invest in learning.

We use AI-powered frequency dictionaries that will spoon-feed you the most popular words, idioms and sayings in the language of your choice.


100 Most Frequent Verbs in Spanish

Top 100 verbs to get started.


100 Most Frequent Adjectives in Spanish

Top 100 adjectives to get basics.

10 Powerful Multi-Faceted Verbs in Spanish

One verb - many meanings! Learn the most useful.


Useful Idioms To Get Started in Spanish

Memorize sayings that can be used in conversation.


Templates For Using Past Tense in Spanish

Most common words and sentence structures.


Tailored vocabulary

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is cool...

You know what's more cool? Knowing the one that you will most probably use the most.

Practice what you will actually need. Specific vocabulary that a marketing specialist uses on daily basis will be (usually) much different than the one of a doctor or a personal trainer.

With glot.space, you will be able to find specific vocabulary lists that will enrich your language skills in the direction that you select.




















Gamified practice

Grow some linguistic muscles fast.
Our language training gym module learns how you learn and helps proactively fix the gaps in your knowledge.

include graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective ways to start learning Spanish?

There are numerous effective ways to start learning Spanish. You could sign up for a language course at a local community college or online. Mobile apps and websites like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone provide interactive lessons for beginners. Another approach is to immerse yourself in the language. This can be done by listening to Spanish music, watching Spanish movies, and trying to speak Spanish in your daily life. You could also find a language exchange partner who is a native Spanish speaker. Flashcards can be used to build vocabulary. Remember, consistency is key when learning a language.

Why should one consider learning Spanish?

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 460 million people who speak it as their first language. Learning Spanish can open up a range of opportunities both personally and professionally. It allows you to communicate with a large population of the world, opening up new cultural experiences. For career growth, knowing Spanish can be a valuable asset as businesses expand globally. Moreover, learning Spanish can enhance your travel experiences in Spanish-speaking countries. Lastly, learning a new language also improves cognitive abilities like memory, multitasking, and problem-solving.

How long does it take to become fluent in Spanish?

The time it takes to become fluent in Spanish can greatly vary depending on several factors including the learner's dedication, method of learning, and prior experience with language learning. According to the Foreign Service Institute, an English speaker would need about 600-750 classroom hours to achieve fluency in Spanish, which is categorized as a Category I language (languages closely related to English). This could translate to nearly a year of dedicated study for a few hours each day. However, immersion in a Spanish-speaking environment can significantly accelerate this process.

What are some common difficulties English speakers face when learning Spanish?

English speakers often encounter several challenges when learning Spanish. These can include the use of gender in nouns, the pronunciation of the rolled 'R', and the use of different verb tenses. Spanish also has numerous irregular verbs which don't follow standard conjugation patterns, causing difficulties for learners. Another challenge is the use of formal and informal 'you' (usted and tú) which doesn't exist in English. Lastly, Spanish uses the subjunctive mood more frequently than English, which can be complex to grasp.

How important is Spanish pronunciation?

Pronunciation in Spanish is extremely important. Spanish is a phonetic language, meaning words are pronounced as they are spelled. Mispronouncing a word could lead to misunderstanding or miscommunication. Additionally, the accent marks in Spanish can change the meaning of words, even if they are spelled the same. For example, 'esta' and 'está' have different meanings. Proper pronunciation also helps in understanding spoken Spanish, as native speakers often speak quickly and blend sounds together. Good pronunciation is also crucial for building confidence in speaking Spanish.

How is Spanish grammar different from English grammar?

Spanish and English grammar have several differences. In Spanish, verbs are conjugated based on the subject and the tense. Spanish also uses gender for nouns and adjectives, which doesn't exist in English. Word order in Spanish is more flexible than in English, and adjectives generally come after the noun they modify, not before. Spanish also uses formal and informal forms of 'you' (usted and tú), which English doesn't have. Additionally, Spanish makes extensive use of the subjunctive mood, which is less common and less complex in English.

What are some tips for memorizing Spanish vocabulary?

Memorizing Spanish vocabulary can be made easier with a few strategies. Use flashcards and spaced repetition, which involves reviewing words at increasing intervals over time. Make vocabulary learning interactive by using apps or online games designed for language learning. Try to use new words in sentences to understand their context and usage. Reading Spanish texts like books, newspapers, or articles can expose you to new words. Group similar words together to learn them as a set. Lastly, try to relate the Spanish words to their English counterparts, known as cognates, to leverage your existing language knowledge.

How important is understanding Spanish culture when learning the language?

Understanding Spanish culture is a significant aspect of learning the language. It provides context for the language's idioms, expressions, and customs, and can make the language more interesting and enjoyable to learn. Learning about Spanish culture also promotes a deeper understanding of the social norms, values, and traditions of Spanish-speaking people, which can help in more effective communication. Moreover, cultural competence can prevent misunderstandings or offenses that could arise from cultural differences. Finally, exploring Spanish culture can enhance your appreciation for Spanish literature, music, and film, providing a more immersive learning experience.

How can I practice my Spanish listening skills?

There are several ways to practice your Spanish listening skills. Listen to Spanish music, podcasts, and radio broadcasts to get accustomed to the rhythm and pace of spoken Spanish. Watching Spanish TV shows and movies with subtitles can help you associate spoken words with written ones. Language learning apps often have listening comprehension exercises too. Engaging in conversations with native Spanish speakers can be very beneficial, as it exposes you to different accents and colloquial speech. Finally, try transcribing Spanish audio, which can reinforce your understanding of spoken Spanish.

Can I learn Spanish by myself?

Yes, it's certainly possible to learn Spanish by yourself. With self-study, you can proceed at your own pace and focus on areas you find most challenging. There are many resources available including textbooks, online courses, mobile apps, and language exchange websites. However, learning by yourself requires discipline and consistency. It's also beneficial to find ways to practice speaking, such as language exchange sites or meetup groups. It's important to remember that making mistakes is a part of the learning process. Don't hesitate to seek help or clarification online or from other learners when you need it.

What are some common Spanish phrases for beginners?

There are several common phrases that are useful for beginners. 'Hola' means hello, 'Adiós' is goodbye, and 'Gracias' is thank you. 'Por favor' means please and 'Lo siento' means I'm sorry. To introduce yourself, you could say 'Me llamo [name]', which means 'My name is [name]'. '¿Cómo estás?' is 'How are you?', and you can respond with 'Estoy bien' for 'I'm fine'. If you don't understand something, 'No entiendo' means 'I don't understand', and '¿Puedes repetir?' means 'Can you repeat?'. Learning these basic phrases can help you start simple conversations in Spanish.

How can I improve my Spanish speaking skills?

Improving your Spanish speaking skills requires regular practice. Try to incorporate Spanish into your daily routine by speaking it whenever possible. Practicing with a language exchange partner or a tutor can provide immediate feedback and correct pronunciation errors. Recording yourself speaking Spanish can help identify areas for improvement. It's also beneficial to mimic native Spanish speakers, which can be done by repeating lines from Spanish movies or songs. Don't be afraid of making mistakes as they are part of the learning process. Remember, fluency comes with time and practice, so be patient with yourself.

Is Spanish a difficult language to learn for English speakers?

For English speakers, Spanish is generally considered one of the easier languages to learn. This is because Spanish and English share a lot of vocabulary due to Latin influences in both languages. Spanish is also a phonetic language, meaning it's generally spoken as it's written. However, there are challenges such as the use of gender in nouns, verb conjugations, and different tenses. But with regular practice, especially of speaking and listening, these can be overcome. The difficulty in learning any language depends on the learner's dedication, method of learning, and time spent practicing.

What are some useful resources for learning Spanish online?

There are numerous online resources for learning Spanish. Websites like Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and Coursera offer interactive Spanish lessons. For grammar, StudySpanish and SpanishDict are very helpful. For listening practice, you can use Spanish podcasts like Radio Ambulante or Coffee Break Spanish. FluentU and Yabla offer Spanish videos with subtitles. For speaking practice, consider language exchange websites like Tandem or HelloTalk. SpanishDict and WordReference are good for translation and vocabulary. For Spanish reading materials, the BBC's Spanish language service, BBC Mundo, is a valuable resource.

How can reading in Spanish improve my language skills?

Reading in Spanish can greatly improve your language skills. It helps build vocabulary and improves understanding of sentence structures and grammar. Seeing words in context can also enhance comprehension and usage. Reading different types of texts like books, newspapers, and articles can expose you to a variety of writing styles and vocabulary. For beginners, children's books or simplified versions of novels can be a good starting point. As your skills improve, you can progress to more complex texts. Try to read aloud to practice pronunciation and intonation. Always have a dictionary handy to look up unfamiliar words.

How important is regular practice when learning Spanish?

Regular practice is crucial when learning Spanish, or any language. Regular exposure to the language helps solidify vocabulary, grammar rules, and pronunciation in your memory. It keeps the language fresh in your mind and helps you gradually build your language skills. Without consistent practice, it's easy to forget what you've learned. This doesn't mean you need to spend hours each day. Even a few minutes of daily practice can make a big difference. Try to incorporate Spanish into your daily routine, such as reading a Spanish article, listening to a Spanish song, or speaking Spanish with a language partner.

What is the role of immersion in learning Spanish?

Immersion plays a significant role in learning Spanish. It involves surrounding yourself with the language in a way that mimics how you'd naturally learn it if you were living in a Spanish-speaking country. This can be done by watching Spanish TV shows and movies, listening to Spanish music, reading Spanish texts, and speaking Spanish as much as possible. Immersion helps improve comprehension and fluency as you're constantly exposed to the language in different contexts. It also improves your pronunciation and understanding of colloquial speech. If possible, spending time in a Spanish-speaking country can provide a full immersion experience.

What are the benefits of learning Spanish from a native speaker?

Learning Spanish from a native speaker has many benefits. Native speakers have a deep understanding of the language, including its nuances, colloquialisms, and regional differences. They can provide authentic pronunciation models and correct your pronunciation errors effectively. They can also provide real-world context to the language, which can enhance your understanding. Conversing with native speakers helps improve your listening and speaking skills and increases your confidence in using the language. Additionally, they can provide insights into the culture of Spanish-speaking countries, making your learning experience more engaging and fulfilling.

How can I stay motivated when learning Spanish?

Staying motivated when learning Spanish can be achieved through several strategies. Set clear, achievable goals and track your progress. Celebrate small victories to keep morale high. Make learning interactive and fun through games, music, and movies. Find a study group or a language partner to share the learning process and keep each other motivated. Incorporate Spanish into your daily routine to make learning a habit, not a chore. Find topics that interest you in Spanish to keep the learning process engaging. And remember, it's normal to have ups and downs in motivation, so don't be too hard on yourself.