How to say "strong contrast" in European Portuguese?

In European Portuguese "strong contrast" translates to  contraste forte 

Transliteration: kohn-trahs-teh fohr-teh

🇵🇹 O contraste forte entre as cores deixou a imagem mais interessante.

🗣️ oh kohn-trahs-teh fohr-teh ehn-treh ahs koh-rehs deh-shay-oo ah ee-mah-jehm mah-ees een-teh-reh-san-teh.

🇺🇸 The strong contrast between the colors made the image more interesting.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to say "strong contrast" in European Portuguese?

You can use the word "contraste forte" which translates to "strong contrast".

How to pronounce "contraste forte" (strong contrast) in European Portuguese?

The word "contraste forte" is pronounced as "kohn-trahs-teh fohr-teh".

Do you have an audio recording on how to pronounce" contraste forte" (strong contrast) in European Portuguese?

Not yet, but this functionality is coming soon. We're focusing on the quality of the written content first.