Animals and Pets in European Portuguese

A list of the 30 most common words and phrases related to animals and pets in European Portuguese with translations to English.

31 words in this list

gato (ga-toh) cat

🗣️ O gato está a dormir no sofá. (The cat is sleeping on the couch.)

vaca (vah-kah) cow

🗣️ A vaca está a pastar no campo. (The cow is grazing in the field.)

cobra (koh-brah) snake

🗣️ A cobra é venenosa. (The snake is venomous.)

miar (myahr) to meow

🗣️ O gato está a miar. (The cat is meowing.)

rugir (roo-geer) to roar

🗣️ O leão está a rugir na selva. (The lion is roaring in the jungle.)

grunhir (groon-eer) to grunt

🗣️ O porco está a grunhir enquanto come. (The pig is grunting while eating.)

hamster (ham-stehr) hamster

🗣️ O meu hamster adora roer coisas. (My hamster loves to chew on things.)

periquito (peh-ree-kee-toh) parakeet

🗣️ O meu periquito é muito falador. (My parakeet is very talkative.)

rato (rah-toh) rat

🗣️ O rato roeu a comida. (The rat chewed the food.)

tigre (tee-greh) tiger

🗣️ O tigre tem riscas. (The tiger has stripes.)

latir (lah-teer) to bark

🗣️ O cão está a latir para o carteiro. (The dog is barking at the mailman.)

nadar (nah-dahr) to swim

🗣️ O pato está a nadar no lago. (The duck is swimming in the lake.)

peixe (pay-sh) fish

🗣️ Eu gosto de comer peixe grelhado. (I like to eat grilled fish.)

porco (pohr-koh) pig

🗣️ O porco está a dormir na lama. (The pig is sleeping in the mud.)

ovelha (oh-veh-lyah) sheep

🗣️ As ovelhas estão a comer erva. (The sheep are eating grass.)

leão (leh-ow) lion

🗣️ O leão é o rei da selva. (The lion is the king of the jungle.)

voar (voh-ahr) to fly

🗣️ Os pássaros estão a voar no céu. (The birds are flying in the sky.)

coelho (ko-eh-lyoh) rabbit

🗣️ O coelho é um animal muito fofo. (The rabbit is a very cute animal.)

pato (pah-toh) duck

🗣️ O pato está a nadar no lago. (The duck is swimming in the lake.)

aranha (ah-rahn-yah) spider

🗣️ A aranha teceu uma teia. (The spider spun a web.)

tartaruga (tahr-tah-roo-gah) turtle

🗣️ A tartaruga está a nadar no mar. (The turtle is swimming in the sea.)

galopar (gah-loh-pahr) to gallop

🗣️ O cavalo está a galopar no campo. (The horse is galloping in the field.)

cacarejar (kah-kah-reh-jahr) to cluck

🗣️ A galinha está a cacarejar no galinheiro. (The chicken is clucking in the chicken coop.)

rastejar (rah-steh-jahr) to crawl

🗣️ A aranha está a rastejar pelo chão. (The spider is crawling on the floor.)

galinha (gah-lee-nyah) chicken

🗣️ A galinha botou um ovo. (The chicken laid an egg.)

lagarto (lah-gahr-toh) lizard

🗣️ O lagarto está a tomar sol na pedra. (The lizard is sunbathing on the rock.)

ronronar (rohn-roh-nahr) to purr

🗣️ O gato está a ronronar enquanto dorme. (The cat is purring while sleeping.)

saltar (sahl-tahr) to jump

🗣️ O coelho está a saltar na relva. (The rabbit is jumping on the grass.)

passarinho (pah-sah-ree-nyoh) little bird

🗣️ O passarinho está a cantar na árvore. (The little bird is singing in the tree.)

cão (kow) dog

🗣️ O meu cão é muito brincalhão. (My dog is very playful.)

cavalo (ka-vah-loo) horse

🗣️ O cavalo correu pelo campo. (The horse ran through the field.)

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