Banking and Finance in Mandarin Chinese

30 most common words and phrases related to banking and finance in Mandarin Chinese with translation to English and an example.

38 words in this list

取款 (qǔ kuǎn) withdrawal

🗣️ 我需要取一些现金。 (I need to make a cash withdrawal.)

资产 (zī chǎn) assets

🗣️ 我的资产包括房子和股票。 (My assets include a house and stocks.)

转账 (zhuǎn zhàng) transfer

🗣️ 我需要转账到另一个账户。 (I need to transfer money to another account.)

理财 (lǐ cái) financial management

🗣️ 我需要学习如何理财。 (I need to learn how to manage my finances.)

营销 (yíng xiāo) marketing

🗣️ 我们需要一个好的营销策略。 (We need a good marketing strategy.)

利率 (lì lǜ) interest rate

🗣️ 这个银行的利率很高。 (This bank has a high interest rate.)

信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ) credit card

🗣️ 你可以用信用卡付款。 (You can pay with a credit card.)

汇率 (huì lǜ) exchange rate

🗣️ 今天的汇率是多少? (What is today's exchange rate?)

交易 (jiāo yì) transaction

🗣️ 这是一笔很大的交易。 (This is a very large transaction.)

信托 (xìn tuō) trust

🗣️ 我把我的资产放到了信托中。 (I put my assets into a trust.)

亏损 (kuī sǔn) loss

🗣️ 这个公司今年亏损了。 (This company had a loss this year.)

利润 (lì rùn) profit

🗣️ 这个公司的利润很高。 (This company has a high profit.)

竞争 (jìng zhēng) competition

🗣️ 这个行业的竞争很激烈。 (Competition in this industry is fierce.)

存款 (cún kuǎn) deposit

🗣️ 我想把钱存到银行里。 (I want to deposit the money into the bank.)

ATM机 (ATM jī) ATM machine

🗣️ 我需要去找一个ATM机取钱。 (I need to find an ATM machine to withdraw money.)

支票 (zhī piào) check

🗣️ 我可以用支票付款。 (I can pay with a check.)

股票 (gǔ piào) stock

🗣️ 我买了一些股票。 (I bought some stocks.)

银行 (yín háng) bank

🗣️ 我要去银行取钱。 (I want to go to the bank to withdraw money.)

贷款 (dài kuǎn) loan

🗣️ 我需要一笔贷款买房子。 (I need a loan to buy a house.)

负债 (fù zhài) liabilities

🗣️ 我有一些负债需要偿还。 (I have some liabilities that need to be paid off.)

保险 (bǎo xiǎn) insurance

🗣️ 我需要买一份汽车保险。 (I need to buy car insurance.)

预算 (yù suàn) budget

🗣️ 我需要制定一个预算。 (I need to make a budget.)

客户 (kè hù) customer

🗣️ 我们需要满足客户需求。 (We need to meet customer needs.)

服务 (fú wù) service

🗣️ 我们提供优质的服务。 (We provide high-quality service.)

账户 (zhàng hù) account

🗣️ 我有一个储蓄账户。 (I have a savings account.)

借记卡 (jiè jì kǎ) debit card

🗣️ 我可以用借记卡取款。 (I can withdraw money with a debit card.)

外汇 (wài huì) foreign exchange

🗣️ 我需要换一些外汇。 (I need to exchange some foreign currency.)

利息 (lì xī) interest

🗣️ 我每个月需要支付利息。 (I need to pay interest every month.)

投资 (tóu zī) investment

🗣️ 我想进行一些投资。 (I want to make some investments.)

财务 (cái wù) finance

🗣️ 我在这家公司的财务部门工作。 (I work in the finance department of this company.)

资金 (zī jīn) funds

🗣️ 我们需要更多的资金来扩大业务。 (We need more funds to expand our business.)

市场 (shì chǎng) market

🗣️ 我们需要了解市场需求。 (We need to understand market demand.)

投诉 (tóu sù) complaint

🗣️ 我们需要处理客户的投诉。 (We need to handle customer complaints.)

税收 (shuì shōu) taxation

🗣️ 我需要支付一些税收。 (I need to pay some taxes.)

销售 (xiāo shòu) sales

🗣️ 我们需要提高销售额。 (We need to increase sales revenue.)

品牌 (pǐn pái) brand

🗣️ 这个品牌很受欢迎。 (This brand is very popular.)

满意度 (mǎn yì dù) satisfaction

🗣️ 我们需要提高客户满意度。 (We need to improve customer satisfaction.)

反馈 (fǎn kuì) feedback

🗣️ 我们需要听取客户的反馈。 (We need to listen to customer feedback.)

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