Cinema and Movies in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to cinema and movies in Mandarin Chinese with English translation and examples.

30 words in this list

导演 (dǎo yǎn) director

🗣️ 这部电影的导演是谁? (Who is the director of this movie?)

影片 (yǐng piàn) film

🗣️ 这是一部好影片。 (This is a good film.)

特效 (tè xiào) special effects

🗣️ 这个电影的特效很棒。 (The special effects of this movie are great.)

预告片 (yù gào piàn) trailer

🗣️ 我很喜欢看预告片。 (I really like to watch trailers.)

金像奖 (jīn xiàng jiǎng) Golden Horse Awards

🗣️ 这个导演曾经获得过金像奖。 (This director has won the Golden Horse Awards before.)

动画片 (dòng huà piàn) animation

🗣️ 这个动画片非常有趣。 (This animation is very interesting.)

科幻片 (kē huàn piàn) sci-fi movie

🗣️ 这个科幻片非常有意思。 (This sci-fi movie is very interesting.)

特效 (tè xiào) special effects

🗣️ 这个电影的特效非常逼真。 (The special effects of this movie are very realistic.)

电影 (diàn yǐng) movie

🗣️ 我喜欢看电影。 (I like to watch movies.)

演员 (yǎn yuán) actor/actress

🗣️ 他是一位著名的演员。 (He is a famous actor.)

配角 (pèi jué) supporting character

🗣️ 她在这个电影中扮演了一个配角。 (She played a supporting character in this movie.)

票房 (piào fáng) box office

🗣️ 这部电影的票房非常高。 (The box office of this movie is very high.)

评分 (píng fēn) rating

🗣️ 这部电影的评分很高。 (The rating of this movie is very high.)

喜剧片 (xǐ jù piàn) comedy movie

🗣️ 我很喜欢看喜剧片。 (I really like to watch comedy movies.)

片场 (piàn chǎng) film set

🗣️ 他正在片场拍摄电影。 (He is filming a movie on the film set.)

配乐 (pèi yuè) soundtrack/music score

🗣️ 这部电影的配乐非常优美。 (The soundtrack of this movie is very beautiful.)

场景 (chǎng jǐng) scene/location

🗣️ 这个场景非常美丽。 (This location is very beautiful.)

纪录片 (jì lù piàn) documentary

🗣️ 我很喜欢看纪录片。 (I really like to watch documentaries.)

恐怖片 (kǒng bù piàn) horror movie

🗣️ 我不太喜欢看恐怖片。 (I don't really like to watch horror movies.)

戏剧 (xì jù) drama

🗣️ 这个电影是一部很好的戏剧。 (This movie is a very good drama.)

剧情 (jù qíng) plot/storyline

🗣️ 这个电影的剧情很有趣。 (The plot of this movie is very interesting.)

主角 (zhǔ jué) main character

🗣️ 他是这个电影的主角。 (He is the main character of this movie.)

上映 (shàng yìng) to be released

🗣️ 这部电影什么时候上映? (When will this movie be released?)

奥斯卡 (ào sī kǎ) Oscar

🗣️ 这部电影获得了多个奥斯卡奖项。 (This movie won multiple Oscar awards.)

爱情片 (ài qíng piàn) romance movie

🗣️ 我很喜欢看爱情片。 (I really like to watch romance movies.)

动作片 (dòng zuò piàn) action movie

🗣️ 这个动作片非常刺激。 (This action movie is very exciting.)

片酬 (piàn chóu) pay for a film role

🗣️ 这个演员的片酬非常高。 (This actor's pay for a film role is very high.)

放映 (fàng yìng) to screen/show

🗣️ 这个电影院每天晚上都会放映新电影。 (This cinema screens new movies every night.)

影评 (yǐng píng) film review

🗣️ 我看了这个电影的影评。 (I read the film review of this movie.)

幕后 (mù hòu) behind the scenes

🗣️ 我很喜欢看幕后花絮。 (I really like to watch behind-the-scenes footage.)

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