Cities and Landmarks in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to cities and landmarks in Mandarin Chinese.

27 words in this list

香港 (Xiānggǎng) Hong Kong

🗣️ 我喜欢逛香港的夜市。 (I like to visit the night markets in Hong Kong.)

苏州 (Sūzhōu) Suzhou

🗣️ 苏州的园林非常漂亮。 (The gardens in Suzhou are very beautiful.)

珠穆朗玛峰 (Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng) Mount Everest

🗣️ 珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。 (Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world.)

敦煌 (Dūnhuáng) Dunhuang

🗣️ 我想去敦煌看莫高窟。 (I want to go to Dunhuang to see the Mogao Caves.)

成都 (Chéngdū) Chengdu

🗣️ 成都是一个美食之都。 (Chengdu is a city known for its delicious food.)

故宫 (Gùgōng) Forbidden City

🗣️ 我在北京游览了故宫。 (I visited the Forbidden City in Beijing.)

广州 (Guǎngzhōu) Guangzhou

🗣️ 广州有很多好吃的小吃。 (Guangzhou has many delicious street foods.)

北京 (Běijīng) Beijing

🗣️ 我想去北京旅游。 (I want to travel to Beijing.)

黄山 (Huángshān) Yellow Mountain

🗣️ 我想去黄山爬山。 (I want to go hiking in Yellow Mountain.)

广西 (Guǎngxī) Guangxi

🗣️ 我想去广西看漓江。 (I want to go to Guangxi to see the Li River.)

天安门 (Tiān'ānmén) Tiananmen Square

🗣️ 我在天安门广场看到了毛主席画像。 (I saw Chairman Mao's portrait at Tiananmen Square.)

西安 (Xī'ān) Xi'an

🗣️ 我想去西安看兵马俑。 (I want to see the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an.)

山东 (Shāndōng) Shandong

🗣️ 我想去山东吃海鲜。 (I want to go to Shandong to eat seafood.)

厦门 (Xiàmén) Xiamen

🗣️ 我喜欢在厦门的沙滩上晒太阳。 (I like to sunbathe on the beaches in Xiamen.)

南京 (Nánjīng) Nanjing

🗣️ 南京是中国历史文化名城之一。 (Nanjing is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China.)

成都 (Chéngdū) Chengdu

🗣️ 成都有很多好吃的火锅。 (Chengdu has many delicious hotpot restaurants.)

长城 (Chángchéng) Great Wall of China

🗣️ 长城是中国的一个著名景点。 (The Great Wall of China is a famous tourist attraction.)

西湖 (Xīhú) West Lake

🗣️ 杭州的西湖是一个著名景点。 (West Lake in Hangzhou is a famous tourist attraction.)

九寨沟 (Jiǔzhàigōu) Jiuzhaigou Valley

🗣️ 九寨沟是一个美丽的自然风景区。 (Jiuzhaigou Valley is a beautiful natural scenic area.)

武汉 (Wǔhàn) Wuhan

🗣️ 武汉是中国中部的一个重要城市。 (Wuhan is an important city in central China.)

长沙 (Chángshā) Changsha

🗣️ 长沙是湖南省的省会城市。 (Changsha is the capital city of Hunan Province.)

三峡大坝 (Sānxiá Dàbà) Three Gorges Dam

🗣️ 三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利工程之一。 (The Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest hydroelectric projects in the world.)

青岛 (Qīngdǎo) Qingdao

🗣️ 青岛是一个美丽的海滨城市。 (Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city.)

上海 (Shànghǎi) Shanghai

🗣️ 上海是一个非常现代化的城市。 (Shanghai is a very modern city.)

杭州 (Hángzhōu) Hangzhou

🗣️ 我喜欢在杭州西湖边散步。 (I like to take a walk by West Lake in Hangzhou.)

长江 (Chángjiāng) Yangtze River

🗣️ 长江是中国最长的河流。 (The Yangtze River is the longestriver in China.)

西藏 (Xīzàng) Tibet

🗣️ 西藏是一个神秘的地方。 (Tibet is a mysterious place.)

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