Directions and Locations in European Portuguese

A list of the 30 most common words and phrases related to directions and locations in European Portuguese with their English translations and examples.

31 words in this list

em frente (ehm frehn-teh) straight ahead

🗣️ O restaurante fica em frente ao hotel. (The restaurant is straight ahead of the hotel.)

ali perto (ah-lee pehr-too) near there

🗣️ O cinema fica ali perto. (The cinema is near there.)

ali ao lado (ah-lee ow lah-doo) next to there

🗣️ O restaurante fica ali ao lado do banco. (The restaurant is next to there, by the bank.)

aqui fora (ah-kee foh-rah) outside here

🗣️ A entrada fica aqui fora. (The entrance is outside here.)

à beira-mar (ah bey-rah-mahr) by the sea

🗣️ O hotel fica à beira-mar. (The hotel is by the sea.)

na entrada (nah ehn-trah-dah) at the entrance

🗣️ O segurança está na entrada do prédio. (The security guard is at the entrance of the building.)

aqui (ah-kee) here

🗣️ Estou aqui. (I am here.)

ali dentro (ah-lee dehn-troo) inside there

🗣️ A farmácia fica ali dentro do hospital. (The pharmacy is inside there, in the hospital.)

no centro (noo sehnt-roo) in the center

🗣️ A loja fica no centro da cidade. (The store is in the center of the city.)

na cidade (nah see-dah-deh) in the city

🗣️ O museu fica na cidade. (The museum is in the city.)

ali (ah-lee) there

🗣️ O supermercado fica ali. (The supermarket is there.)

à direita (ah dee-reh-tah) to the right

🗣️ Vire à direita na próxima rua. (Turn right at the next street.)

à esquerda (ah ehs-kehrr-dah) to the left

🗣️ A loja fica à esquerda do banco. (The store is to the left of the bank.)

ali fora (ah-lee foh-rah) outside there

🗣️ O parque fica ali fora da cidade. (The park is outside there, out of the city.)

aqui perto (ah-kee pehr-too) near here

🗣️ Há um supermercado aqui perto. (There is a supermarket near here.)

na montanha (nah mohn-tahn-yah) in the mountain

🗣️ O chalé fica na montanha. (The chalet is in the mountain.)

no andar de baixo (noo ahn-dahr deh bahy-shoo) downstairs

🗣️ A cozinha fica no andar de baixo. (The kitchen is downstairs.)

na periferia (nah peh-ree-feh-ree-ah) in the outskirts

🗣️ O supermercado fica na periferia da cidade. (The supermarket is in the outskirts of the city.)

aqui dentro (ah-kee dehn-troo) inside here

🗣️ A livraria fica aqui dentro do shopping. (The bookstore is inside here, in the mall.)

na rua (nah roo-ah) on the street

🗣️ A loja fica na rua principal. (The store is on the main street.)

no campo (noo kahm-poo) in the countryside

🗣️ A casa fica no campo. (The house is in the countryside.)

na vila (nah vee-lah) in the village

🗣️ A igreja fica na vila. (The church is in the village.)

no andar de cima (noo ahn-dahr deh see-mah) upstairs

🗣️ O escritório fica no andar de cima. (The office is upstairs.)

na escada (nah ehs-kah-dah) on the stairs

🗣️ O gato está na escada. (The cat is on the stairs.)

longe (lohn-zheh) far

🗣️ O aeroporto fica longe do centro da cidade. (The airport is far from the city center.)

perto (pehr-too) near

🗣️ A farmácia fica perto da praia. (The pharmacy is near the beach.)

à volta (ah vohl-tah) around

🗣️ Há muitos restaurantes à volta da praça. (There are many restaurants around the square.)

no elevador (noo eh-lee-vah-dohr) in the elevator

🗣️ A reunião é no escritório, no 5º andar, no elevador à direita. (The meeting is in the office, on the 5th floor, in the elevator on the right.)

aqui ao lado (ah-kee ow lah-doo) next to here

🗣️ A padaria fica aqui ao lado da farmácia. (The bakery is next to here, by the pharmacy.)

na saída (nah sah-ee-dah) at the exit

🗣️ O ônibus para na saída da estação. (The bus stops at the exit of the station.)

no bairro (noo bah-ee-roo) in the neighborhood

🗣️ O restaurante fica no bairro histórico. (The restaurant is in the historic neighborhood.)

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