Dreams and Sleep in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to dreams and sleep in Mandarin Chinese with English translations and examples.

27 words in this list

入睡 (rù shuì) to fall asleep

🗣️ 我通常需要很长时间才能入睡。 (It usually takes me a long time to fall asleep.)

醒来 (xǐng lái) to wake up

🗣️ 我每天早上七点钟醒来。 (I wake up at seven o'clock every morning.)

梦想 (mèng xiǎng) dream

🗣️ 我有一个梦想。 (I have a dream.)

睡眠不足 (shuì mián bù zú) sleep deprivation

🗣️ 睡眠不足会影响健康。 (Sleep deprivation can affect your health.)

睡眠时间 (shuì mián shí jiān) sleep time

🗣️ 每个人需要不同的睡眠时间。 (Everyone needs different amounts of sleep time.)

打呼噜 (dǎ hū lū) to snore

🗣️ 我爸爸睡觉时会打呼噜。 (My dad snores when he sleeps.)

睡衣 (shuì yī) pajamas

🗣️ 我喜欢穿舒适的睡衣。 (I like to wear comfortable pajamas.)

安眠药 (ān mián yào) sleeping pills

🗣️ 我不喜欢吃安眠药。 (I don't like taking sleeping pills.)

睡姿 (shuì zī) sleeping position

🗣️ 我的睡姿很奇怪。 (My sleeping position is very strange.)

打盹 (dǎ dūn) to doze off

🗣️ 我在看电影时打了个盹。 (I dozed off while watching the movie.)

昏睡 (hūn shuì) doze off

🗣️ 我在车上昏睡了一会儿。 (I dozed off on the car for a while.)

睡觉 (shuì jiào) to sleep

🗣️ 我需要睡觉。 (I need to sleep.)

噩梦 (è mèng) nightmare

🗣️ 我昨晚做了一个噩梦。 (I had a nightmare last night.)

熬夜 (áo yè) to stay up late

🗣️ 为了完成作业,我不得不熬夜。 (I had to stay up late to finish my homework.)

梦境 (mèng jìng) dreamland

🗣️ 在我的梦境里,我可以做任何事情。 (In my dreamland, I can do anything.)

梦幻 (mèng huàn) dreamy

🗣️ 这个地方很美,有一种梦幻的感觉。 (This place is beautiful and has a dreamy feeling.)

梦游 (mèng yóu) sleepwalking

🗣️ 我小时候曾经梦游过。 (I used to sleepwalk when I was a child.)

半夜三更 (bàn yè sān gēng) late at night

🗣️ 他常常在半夜三更才回家。 (He often comes home late at night.)

美梦 (měi mèng) sweet dream

🗣️ 祝你做个美梦! (Sweet dreams!)

梦见 (mèng jiàn) to dream of

🗣️ 我昨晚梦见了你。 (I dreamed of you last night.)

睡眠 (shuì mián) sleep

🗣️ 睡眠对健康很重要。 (Sleep is very important for health.)

午睡 (wǔ shuì) nap

🗣️ 我通常在下午小睡一会儿。 (I usually take a nap in theafternoon.)

梦想成真 (mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn) dream come true

🗣️ 我的梦想终于成真了! (My dream has finally come true!)

睡前故事 (shuì qián gù shì) bedtime story

🗣️ 我妈妈给我讲了一个睡前故事。 (My mom told me a bedtime story.)

睡眠质量 (shuì mián zhì liàng) sleep quality

🗣️ 睡眠质量对健康很重要。 (Sleep quality is very important for health.)

睡眠周期 (shuì mián zhōu qī) sleep cycle

🗣️ 每个人的睡眠周期不同。 (Everyone's sleep cycle is different.)

梦魇 (mèng nǎn) nightmare

🗣️ 我昨晚做了一个可怕的梦魇。 (I had a terrible nightmare last night.)

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