Holidays and Celebrations in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to holidays and celebrations in Mandarin Chinese.

27 words in this list

除夕 (chú xī) New Year's Eve

🗣️ 除夕晚上人们会吃团圆饭。 (People will have a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve.)

灯笼 (dēng lóng) Lantern

🗣️ 中秋节晚上,人们会放灯笼。 (People will hang lanterns on Mid-Autumn Festival night.)

吃腊八粥 (chī là bā zhōu) Eat Laba porridge

🗣️ 腊八节期间,人们会吃腊八粥。 (People will eat Laba porridge during the Laba Festival.)

中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié) Mid-Autumn Festival

🗣️ 中秋节是一个家庭团聚的节日。 (The Mid-Autumn Festival is a holiday for family reunion.)

拜年 (bài nián) Pay a New Year's visit

🗣️ 春节期间,人们会互相拜年。 (During the Spring Festival, people will pay New Year's visits to each other.)

赏月 (shǎng yuè) Appreciate the moon

🗣️ 中秋节晚上,人们会赏月。 (People will appreciate the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival night.)

派对 (pài duì) Party

🗣️ 他们正在举办一个生日派对。 (They are having a birthday party.)

红包 (hóng bāo) Red envelope

🗣️ 春节期间,长辈会给晚辈发红包。 (During the Spring Festival, elders will give red envelopes to younger generations.)

元旦 (yuán dàn) New Year's Day

🗣️ 元旦是每年的第一天。 (New Year's Day is the first day of every year.)

端午节 (duān wǔ jié) Dragon Boat Festival

🗣️ 端午节是纪念屈原的传统节日。 (Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday to commemorate Qu Yuan.)

年糕 (nián gāo) New Year cake

🗣️ 年糕是春节期间常见的食品之一。 (New Year cake is one of the common foods during the Spring Festival.)

庆祝 (qìng zhù) Celebrate

🗣️ 我们要庆祝我们公司成立十周年。 (We are going to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our company's establishment.)

国庆节 (guó qìng jié) National Day

🗣️ 国庆节是中国的国庆日。 (National Day is the national day of China.)

春联 (chūn lián) Spring Festival couplets

🗣️ 春联是春节期间常见的装饰物。 (Spring Festival couplets are common decorations during the Spring Festival.)

粽子 (zòng zi) Zongzi (sticky rice dumpling)

🗣️ 端午节期间,人们会吃粽子。 (People will eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.)

纪念日 (jì niàn rì) Anniversary

🗣️ 今天是我们的结婚纪念日。 (Today is our wedding anniversary.)

圣诞节 (shèng dàn jié) Christmas

🗣️ 圣诞节是西方的传统节日。 (Christmas is a traditional holiday in the West.)

春节 (chūn jié) Spring Festival

🗣️ 春节是中国最重要的节日。 (The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.)

年夜饭 (nián yè fàn) New Year's Eve dinner

🗣️ 年夜饭是除夕晚上的重要活动之一。 (New Year's Eve dinner is one of the important activities on New Year's Eve.)

烟花 (yān huā) Fireworks

🗣️ 烟花是庆祝活动中常见的表演项目之一。 (Fireworks are one of the common performance items in celebration activities.)

腊八节 (là bā jié) Laba Festival

🗣️ 腊八节是农历十二月初八的节日。 (Laba Festivalis a holiday on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.)

感恩节 (gǎn ēn jié) Thanksgiving

🗣️ 感恩节是美国的传统节日。 (Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in the United States.)

万圣节 (wàn shèng jié) Halloween

🗣️ 万圣节是西方的传统节日之一。 (Halloween is one of the traditional holidays in the West.)

舞龙舞狮 (wǔ lóng wǔ shī) Dragon and lion dance

🗣️ 舞龙舞狮是中国传统的表演艺术。 (Dragon and lion dance is a traditional Chinese performing art.)

生日 (shēng rì) Birthday

🗣️ 明天是我的生日。 (Tomorrow is my birthday.)

复活节 (fù huó jié) Easter

🗣️ 复活节是基督教的重要节日之一。 (Easter is one of the important Christian holidays.)

情人节 (qíng rén jié) Valentine's Day

🗣️ 情人节是表达爱意的节日。 (Valentine's Day is a holiday to express love.)

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