Law and Order in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to law and order in Mandarin Chinese with English translations and examples.

44 words in this list

警察 (jǐng chá) police

🗣️ 警察正在调查这起案件。 (The police are investigating this case.)

判决 (pàn jué) judgment

🗣️ 法官做出了公正的判决。 (The judge made a fair judgment.)

律师 (lǜ shī) lawyer

🗣️ 我的律师正在为我辩护。 (My lawyer is defending me.)

逮捕 (dài bǔ) arrest

🗣️ 警察已经逮捕了这个罪犯。 (The police have already arrested the criminal.)

公安局 (gōng ān jú) public security bureau

🗣️ 我需要去公安局报案。 (I need to go to the public security bureau to report a case.)

安全 (ān quán) safety

🗣️ 我们需要保障公民的安全。 (We need to ensure the safety of citizens.)

避难所 (bì nàn suǒ) shelter

🗣️ 这个避难所可以提供住宿。 (This shelter can provide accommodation.)

重建 (zhòng jiàn) reconstruction

🗣️ 我们需要努力重建受灾地区。 (We need to work hard to reconstruct the disaster-stricken areas.)

罪犯 (zuì fàn) criminal

🗣️ 这个罪犯已经被逮捕了。 (The criminal has already been arrested.)

判刑 (pàn xíng) sentence

🗣️ 这个罪犯被判处五年监禁。 (The criminal was sentenced to five years in prison.)

刑警 (xíng jǐng) criminal investigation

🗣️ 他是一名资深的刑警。 (He is a senior criminal investigator.)

救援 (jiù yuán) rescue

🗣️ 救援队正在进行营救行动。 (The rescue team is carrying out a rescue operation.)

防灾 (fáng zāi) disaster prevention

🗣️ 我们需要加强防灾意识。 (We need to strengthen our awareness of disaster prevention.)

捐赠 (juān zèng) donate

🗣️ 很多人都愿意捐赠物资。 (Many people are willing to donate materials.)

法律 (fǎ lǜ) law

🗣️ 遵守法律是每个公民的义务。 (It is the duty of every citizen to abide by the law.)

证据 (zhèng jù) evidence

🗣️ 我们需要更多的证据来支持我们的观点。 (We need more evidence to support our point of view.)

指控 (zhǐ kòng) accuse

🗣️ 他被指控犯有盗窃罪。 (He was accused of theft.)

假释 (jiǎ shì) parole

🗣️ 这个罪犯获得了假释。 (The criminal was granted parole.)

民事 (mín shì) civil

🗣️ 这是一起民事纠纷。 (This is a civil dispute.)

调查 (diào chá) investigation

🗣️ 警察正在进行调查。 (The police are conducting an investigation.)

监视 (jiān shì) surveillance

🗣️ 这个区域正在接受监视。 (This area is under surveillance.)

火灾 (huǒ zāi) fire

🗣️ 这场火灾造成了很大的损失。 (The fire caused a lot of damage.)

自然灾害 (zì rán zāi hài) natural disaster

🗣️ 地震是一种自然灾害。 (Earthquakes are a type of natural disaster.)

审判 (shěn pàn) trial

🗣️ 这个案件将在下周进行审判。 (The trial for this case will be held next week.)

监狱 (jiān yù) prison

🗣️ 这个罪犯将被送到监狱服刑。 (The criminal will be sent to prison for his sentence.)

定罪 (dìng zuì) convict

🗣️ 法官最终定罪了这个罪犯。 (The judge finally convicted the criminal.)

刑事 (xíng shì) criminal

🗣️ 这是一起严重的刑事案件。 (This is a serious criminal case.)

执法 (zhí fǎ) law enforcement

🗣️ 执法人员必须遵守法律。 (Law enforcement officers must abide by the law.)

违法 (wéi fǎ) illegal

🗣️ 这是一项违法行为。 (This is an illegal act.)

保护 (bǎo hù) protect

🗣️ 我们必须保护弱势群体。 (We must protect vulnerable groups.)

急救 (jí jiù) first aid

🗣️ 他需要急救。 (He needs first aid.)

人为灾害 (rén wéi zāi hài) man-made disaster

🗣️ 战争是一种人为灾害。 (War is a man-made disaster.)

救灾 (jiù zāi) disaster relief

🗣️ 志愿者们正在参与救灾工作。 (Volunteers are participating in disaster relief work.)

预警 (yù jǐng) warning

🗣️ 气象局发布了台风预警。 (The meteorological bureau issued a typhoon warning.)

志愿者 (zhì yuàn zhě) volunteer

🗣️ 很多志愿者都在帮助灾区人民。 (Many volunteers are helping people in disaster-stricken areas.)

慈善 (cí shàn) charity

🗣️ 他经常参加慈善活动。 (He often participates in charity events.)

犯罪 (fàn zuì) commit a crime

🗣️ 犯罪是不被允许的。 (Committing a crime is not allowed.)

缉毒 (jī dú) anti-drug

🗣️ 警察正在进行缉毒行动。 (The police are carrying out an anti-drug operation.)

侦探 (zhēn tàn) detective

🗣️ 这个案件需要一名有经验的侦探。 (This case requires an experienced detective.)

罚款 (fá kuǎn) fine

🗣️ 他因违规被罚款了。 (He was fined for breaking the rules.)

灾难 (zāi nàn) disaster

🗣️ 这场洪水是一场巨大的灾难。 (The flood is a huge disaster.)

紧急状态 (jǐn jí zhuàng tài) emergency state

🗣️ 政府已经宣布了紧急状态。 (The government has declared a state of emergency.)

疏散 (shū sàn) evacuation

🗣️ 政府已经开始疏散居民。 (The government has started evacuating residents.)

复原 (fù yuán) recovery

🗣️ 经过努力,这个城市已经开始复原了。 (After efforts, this city has begun to recover.)

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