Maritime and Nautical in Japanese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to maritime and nautical activities in Japanese with English translations and examples.

34 words in this list

(Kaze) Wind

🗣️ 強い風が吹く (Strong wind blowing.)

船旅 (Funatabi) Cruise

🗣️ 船旅を楽しむ (Enjoy a cruise.)

船尾 (Senbi) Stern

🗣️ 船尾に立つ (Stand at the stern.)

漁港 (Gyoko) Fishing port

🗣️ 近くの漁港 (Nearby fishing port.)

漁場 (Gyoba) Fishing ground

🗣️ 豊かな漁場 (Abundant fishing ground.)

港湾 (Kouwan) Port facilities

🗣️ 港湾施設の整備 (Maintenance of port facilities.)

(Umi) Sea

🗣️ 海に浮かぶ船 (A ship floating on the sea.)

(Minato) Port

🗣️ 港に入る (Enter the port.)

(Shio) Tide

🗣️ 潮の満ち引き (The ebb and flow of the tide.)

(Ho) Sail

🗣️ 帆を張る (Set sail.)

潮流 (Chouryuu) Current

🗣️ 潮流に乗る (Ride the current.)

潜水艦 (Sensuikan) Submarine

🗣️ 潜水艦に乗る (Ride a submarine.)

漁船 (Gyosen) Fishing boat

🗣️ 漁船で出港する (Depart on a fishing boat.)

(Fune) Ship

🗣️ 大型船 (Large ship.)

漁業 (Gyogyo) Fishing industry

🗣️ 漁業が盛んな地域 (Region where fishing is thriving.)

船体 (Sentai) Hull

🗣️ 船体の修理 (Repair of the hull.)

船首 (Senshu) Bow

🗣️ 船首を向ける (Turn the bow.)

船体塗装 (Sentai tosou) Hull painting

🗣️ 船体塗装の仕事 (Job of hull painting.)

漁民 (Ryumon) Fisherman

🗣️ 漁民の生活 (Life of a fisherman.)

航空母艦 (Koukuubokan) Aircraft carrier

🗣️ 航空母艦の発進 (Takeoff of an aircraft carrier.)

(Ikari) Anchor

🗣️ 錨を降ろす (Drop anchor.)

(Nami) Wave

🗣️ 波が高い (The waves are high.)

(Kaji) Rudder

🗣️ 舵を切る (Turn the rudder.)

海図 (Kaizu) Nautical chart

🗣️ 海図を読む (Read a nautical chart.)

水深 (Suishin) Depth of water

🗣️ 水深を測る (Measure the depth of water.)

航路 (Kouro) Route

🗣️ 航路を確認する (Confirm the route.)

船舶保険 (Senpaku hoken) Marine insurance

🗣️ 船舶保険に入る (Take out marine insurance.)

航海 (Koukai) Navigation

🗣️ 航海術を学ぶ (Learn navigation techniques.)

操舵 (Souda) Steering

🗣️ 船の操舵をする (Steer the ship.)

船員 (Sen'in) Seafarer

🗣️ 船員の仕事 (Job of a seafarer.)

船籍 (Sensenki) Ship registration

🗣️ 船籍の手続き (Procedure for ship registration.)

漁獲量 (Gyokuryou) Fish catch

🗣️ 漁獲量が増える (Fish catch increases.)

船舶 (Senpaku) Vessel

🗣️ 大型船舶 (Large vessel.)

航空機 (Koukuuki) Aircraft

🗣️ 航空機の離陸 (Takeoff of an aircraft.)

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