Medical and Healthcare in Mandarin Chinese

This list contains the 30 most common words and phrases related to medical and healthcare in Mandarin Chinese.

32 words in this list

医生 (yī shēng) doctor

🗣️ 我需要看医生。 (I need to see a doctor.)

护士 (hù shì) nurse

🗣️ 这位护士非常友好。 (This nurse is very friendly.)

手术 (shǒu shù) surgery

🗣️ 他需要做手术。 (He needs to have surgery.)

疫苗 (yì miáo) vaccine

🗣️ 你打过疫苗了吗? (Have you been vaccinated?)

心跳 (xīn tiào) heart rate

🗣️ 我的心跳很快。 (My heart rate is very fast.)

服药 (fú yào) take medicine

🗣️ 你需要按时服药。 (You need to take your medicine on time.)

急诊 (jí zhěn) emergency

🗣️ 他需要去急诊室。 (He needs to go to the emergency room.)

健康 (jiàn kāng) health

🗣️ 保持健康很重要。 (It's important to maintain good health.)

(yào) medicine

🗣️ 你需要吃这种药。 (You need to take this medicine.)

病人 (bìng rén) patient

🗣️ 这位病人需要休息。 (This patient needs rest.)

药方 (yào fāng) prescription

🗣️ 医生给了我一个药方。 (The doctor gave me a prescription.)

诊所 (zhěn suǒ) clinic

🗣️ 我去诊所看病。 (I go to the clinic to see a doctor.)

自费 (zì fèi) self-pay

🗣️ 这种治疗需要自费。 (This treatment is self-pay.)

压力 (yā lì) stress

🗣️ 太多的压力对身体不好。 (Too much stress is not good for the body.)

症状 (zhèng zhuàng) symptom

🗣️ 你有什么症状? (What are your symptoms?)

疾病 (jí bìng) disease

🗣️ 这种疾病很危险。 (This disease is very dangerous.)

血压 (xiě yā) blood pressure

🗣️ 我的血压有点低。 (My blood pressure is a bit low.)

打针 (dǎ zhēn) get an injection

🗣️ 我害怕打针。 (I'm afraid of getting injections.)

医保 (yī bǎo) medical insurance

🗣️ 你有医保吗? (Do you have medical insurance?)

饮食 (yǐn shí) diet

🗣️ 健康的饮食对身体很重要。 (A healthy diet is very important for the body.)

治疗 (zhì liáo) treatment

🗣️ 这种疾病需要长期治疗。 (This disease requires long-term treatment.)

疼痛 (téng tòng) pain

🗣️ 我的头很疼痛。 (My head is very painful.)

检查 (jiǎn chá) examine

🗣️ 医生需要检查你的身体。 (The doctor needs to examine your body.)

停药 (tíng yào) stop taking medicine

🗣️ 你不能自己停药。 (You can't stop taking your medicine on your own.)

保险 (bǎo xiǎn) insurance

🗣️ 我的保险不包括这种治疗。 (My insurance doesn't cover this kind of treatment.)

锻炼 (duàn liàn) exercise

🗣️ 每天锻炼可以提高身体健康。 (Exercising every day can improve your physical health.)

放松 (fàng sōng) relax

🗣️ 放松一下,不要太紧张。 (Relax, don't be too nervous.)

诊断 (zhěn duàn) diagnosis

🗣️ 医生还没有做出诊断。 (The doctor has not made a diagnosis yet.)

体温 (tǐ wēn) body temperature

🗣️ 你的体温有点高。 (Your body temperature is a bit high.)

呼吸 (hū xī) breathing

🗣️ 你的呼吸很浅。 (Your breathing is shallow.)

医院 (yī yuàn) hospital

🗣️ 我需要去医院做手术。 (I need to go to the hospital for surgery.)

睡眠 (shuì mián) sleep

🗣️ 睡眠对身体恢复很重要。 (Sleep is important for the body's recovery.)

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