Meteorology and Climate in Mandarin Chinese

A list of the 30 most common words and phrases related to meteorology and climate in Mandarin Chinese.

29 words in this list

降雨量 (jiàng yǔ liàng) precipitation

🗣️ 这个月的降雨量很多。 (There has been a lot of precipitation this month.)

湿度 (shī dù) humidity

🗣️ 今天的湿度很大。 (Today's humidity is very high.)

温度计 (wēn dù jì) thermometer

🗣️ 请把温度计放在室外。 (Please put the thermometer outside.)

气旋 (qì xuán) cyclone

🗣️ 这个气旋会带来强风和暴雨。 (This cyclone will bring strong winds and heavy rain.)

天气 (tiān qì) weather

🗣️ 今天的天气很好。 (Today's weather is very nice.)

气压 (qì yā) air pressure

🗣️ 气压变化会影响天气。 (Changes in air pressure can affect the weather.)

台风 (tái fēng) typhoon

🗣️ 台风来了,我们要注意安全。 (The typhoon is coming, we need to pay attention to safety.)

季节 (jì jié) season

🗣️ 现在是夏季。 (It's summer now.)

雪天 (xuě tiān) snowy day

🗣️ 明天可能会下雪。 (It may snow tomorrow.)

雷电 (léi diàn) thunder and lightning

🗣️ 今天晚上可能会有雷电。 (There may be thunder and lightning tonight.)

气候变化 (qì hòu biàn huà) climate change

🗣️ 我们需要采取措施应对气候变化。 (We need to take measures to address climate change.)

海平面上升 (hǎi píng miàn shàng shēng) sea level rise

🗣️ 海平面上升是一个严重的问题。 (Sea level rise is a serious problem.)

气温 (qì wēn) temperature

🗣️ 今天的气温很高。 (Today's temperature is very high.)

雨天 (yǔ tiān) rainy day

🗣️ 昨天是一个雨天。 (Yesterday was a rainy day.)

阴天 (yīn tiān) cloudy day

🗣️ 今天是一个阴天。 (Today is a cloudy day.)

气候 (qì hòu) climate

🗣️ 这个地区的气候很热。 (The climate in this region is very hot.)

全球变暖 (quán qiú biàn nuǎn) global warming

🗣️ 全球变暖是一个严重的问题。 (Global warming is a serious problem.)

可持续发展 (kě chí xù fā zhǎn) sustainable development

🗣️ 我们需要实现可持续发展。 (We need to achieve sustainable development.)

(fēng) wind

🗣️ 今天的风很大。 (Today's wind is very strong.)

晴天 (qíng tiān) sunny day

🗣️ 明天会是一个晴天。 (Tomorrow will be a sunny day.)

暴雨 (bào yǔ) heavy rain

🗣️ 昨天晚上有一场暴雨。 (There was a heavy rainstorm last night.)

气象台 (qì xiàng tái) meteorological observatory

🗣️ 气象台发布了天气预报。 (The meteorological observatory issued a weather forecast.)

冰川消融 (bīng chuān xiāo róng) glacier melting

🗣️ 冰川消融会导致海平面上升。 (Glacier melting can lead to a rise in sea level.)

湿度计 (shī dù jì) hygrometer

🗣️ 湿度计显示今天的湿度很高。 (The hygrometer shows that today's humidity is very high.)

臭氧层 (chòu qì cénɡ) ozone layer

🗣️ 臭氧层的破坏会导致紫外线辐射增强。 (The destruction of the ozone layer can lead to increased ultraviolet radiation.)

温室效应 (wēn shì xiào yìng) greenhouse effect

🗣️ 温室效应会加剧气候变化。 (The greenhouse effect will exacerbate climate change.)

气象学 (qì xiàng xué) meteorology

🗣️ 我对气象学很感兴趣。 (I am very interested in meteorology.)

空气污染 (kōng qì wū rǎn) air pollution

🗣️ 空气污染对健康有害。 (Air pollution is harmful to health.)

酸雨 (suān yǔ) acid rain

🗣️ 酸雨会破坏环境。 (Acid rain can damage the environment.)

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