Most Common Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Part VI

Verbs from 500 to 600 most frequent.

101 words in this list

saltar (sahl-TAHR) to jump, leap

🗣️ Os coelhos adoram saltar pelos campos verdes. (The rabbits love to jump through the green fields.)

demitir (deh-mee-CHEER) to resign, quit

🗣️ Ele decidiu demitir do emprego atual. (He decided to resign from his current job.)

surpreender (soor-preh-EHN-dehr) to surprise

🗣️ A festa surpreendeu todos os convidados. (The party surprised all the guests.)

conceber (kohn-SEH-behr) to conceive

🗣️ O casal finalmente conseguiu conceber um filho. (The couple finally managed to conceive a child.)

acelerar (ah-seh-leh-RAHR) to accelerate, speed up

🗣️ O piloto começou a acelerar o carro na reta. (The driver started to accelerate the car on the straight road.)

ampliar (ahm-plee-AHR) to increase, amplify, enlarge

🗣️ O professor usou um projetor para ampliar a imagem. (The teacher used a projector to enlarge the image.)

reservar (reh-sehr-VAHR) to reserve

🗣️ Eles decidiram reservar um quarto no hotel. (They decided to reserve a room at the hotel.)

residir (reh-see-DEER) to live in, reside

🗣️ Ela reside em uma casa próxima ao parque. (She lives in a house close to the park.)

sitar (see-too-AHR) to situate

🗣️ A empresa decidiu sitar sua sede na cidade. (The company decided to situate its headquarters in the city.)

classificar (klah-see-fee-KAHR) to classify

🗣️ É importante classificar os documentos corretamente. (It's important to classify the documents correctly.)

botar (boh-TAHR) to put, place

🗣️ Por favor, bote os livros na estante. (Please put the books on the shelf.)

adorar (ah-doh-RAHR) to worship, adore

🗣️ As pessoas costumam adorar o sol poente na praia. (People often worship the setting sun at the beach.)

recuar (reh-koo-AHR) to retreat, draw back

🗣️ As tropas tiveram que recuar para evitar o confronto. (The troops had to retreat to avoid the confrontation.)

agradar (ah-grah-DAHR) to please

🗣️ A comida caseira costuma agradar a todos. (Homemade food usually pleases everyone.)

enganar (ehn-gah-NAHR) to trick, deceive

🗣️ Ele tentou enganar os amigos com uma brincadeira. (He tried to trick his friends with a prank.)

beneficiar (be-ne-fee-see-AHR) to benefit

🗣️ O projeto vai beneficiar a comunidade local. (The project will benefit the local community.)

evoluir (eh-voh-LEE) to evolve

🗣️ A tecnologia está sempre evoluindo. (Technology is always evolving.)

confessar (kohm-feh-SAHR) to confess

🗣️ Ele decidiu confessar o seu erro. (He decided to confess his mistake.)

presidir (preh-see-DEER) to preside

🗣️ Ele vai presidir a reunião de hoje. (He will preside over today's meeting.)

examinar (ehks-ah-mee-NAHR) to examine

🗣️ O médico vai examinar o paciente. (The doctor will examine the patient.)

calar (kah-LAHR) to be or keep quiet, shut up

🗣️ Por favor, cale-se e escute. (Please be quiet and listen.)

excluir (ehks-kloo-EHR) to exclude

🗣️ Eles decidiram excluir esse item do projeto. (They decided to exclude this item from the project.)

favorecer (fah-voh-REH-sehr) to favor

🗣️ Esperamos que a sorte nos favoreça. (We hope that luck favors us.)

financiar (fee-nahn-see-AHR) to fund, finance

🗣️ Eles pretendem financiar o projeto. (They intend to finance the project.)

mergulhar (mehr-gool-HAHR) to submerge, dive

🗣️ Eles vão mergulhar no mar durante as férias. (They will dive into the sea during the vacation.)

expulsar (ehks-pool-SAHR) to expel

🗣️ Ele foi expulsar do clube por comportamento inadequado. (He was expelled from the club for inappropriate behavior.)

preencher (preh-eh-SHEHR) to fill (out)

🗣️ Por favor, preencha o formulário com seus dados. (Please fill out the form with your information.)

apertar (ah-pehr-TAHR) to shake (a hand), press, tighten, tie

🗣️ Ela vai apertar a mão do convidado. (She is going to shake the guest's hand.)

erguer (ehr-GHEHR) to erect, raise up, support

🗣️ Eles vão erguer uma nova torre no centro da cidade. (They will erect a new tower in the city center.)

contrariar (kohn-trah-ree-AHR) to contradict, disagree

🗣️ Suas palavras vão contrariar o que foi dito anteriormente. (His words will contradict what was said earlier.)

requerer (reh-keh-REHR) to require

🗣️ Esse processo requer muita atenção e dedicação. (This process requires a lot of attention and dedication.)

associar (ah-soh-see-AHR) to associate

🗣️ As pessoas costumam associar a cor vermelha ao amor. (People often associate the color red with love.)

desfazer (dehs-fah-ZEHR) to undo

🗣️ Ela decidiu desfazer o nó da fita. (She decided to undo the bow of the ribbon.)

destinar (deh-stee-NAHR) to be geared to, earmarked for

🗣️ Os recursos foram destinados à pesquisa. (The resources were earmarked for research.)

consultar (kohn-sool-TAHR) to look up, consult

🗣️ Se tiver dúvidas, pode consultar o dicionário. (If you have doubts, you can look up the dictionary.)

descartar (dehs-kahr-TAHR) to disagree, deny, get rid of

🗣️ Vamos descartar as ideias que não são viáveis. (Let's get rid of the ideas that are not feasible.)

apagar (ah-pah-GAHR) to turn off, erase

🗣️ Por favor, apague as luzes ao sair. (Please turn off the lights when you leave.)

agrar (ah-GRAHR) to worsen, aggravate

🗣️ Essa situação pode agrar a crise econômica. (This situation can worsen the economic crisis.)

depositar (deh-poh-ZEE-tahr) to deposit

🗣️ Ela precisa depositar o dinheiro no banco. (She needs to deposit the money in the bank.)

treinar (treh-EE-nahr) to train

🗣️ O atleta precisa treinar todos os dias. (The athlete needs to train every day.)

exprimir (ehk-SPEE-meer) to express

🗣️ Ela consegue exprimir suas emoções através da arte. (She can express her emotions through art.)

admirar (ahd-mee-RAHR) to admire

🗣️ Ela sempre admira as paisagens naturais. (She always admires natural landscapes.)

aguentar (ah-geh-oo-EHN-tahr) to bear, withstand, stand

🗣️ Ele não consegue aguentar a pressão. (He can't bear the pressure.)

falecer (fah-leh-SER) to pass away, die

🗣️ Infelizmente, ele faleceu ontem. (Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday.)

arriscar (ah-REES-kahr) to risk

🗣️ Ela não tem medo de arriscar novas oportunidades. (She is not afraid to take risks with new opportunities.)

transferir (trahns-feh-REER) to transfer

🗣️ Eles vão transferir o dinheiro para outra conta. (They will transfer the money to another account.)

rejeitar (reh-zheh-ee-TAHR) to reject

🗣️ O candidato foi rejeitado pela empresa. (The candidate was rejected by the company.)

localizar (loh-kah-lee-ZAHR) to find, pin point the location

🗣️ Vamos localizar o restaurante no mapa. (Let's find the restaurant on the map.)

consistir (kohn-see-STEER) to consist of

🗣️ O prato consiste em arroz, feijão e carne. (The dish consists of rice, beans, and meat.)

resumir (reh-soo-MEER) to summarize, sum up

🗣️ Podemos resumir os principais pontos da apresentação. (We can summarize the main points of the presentation.)

escutar (ehs-koo-TAHR) to listen

🗣️ Eu gosto de escutar música clássica. (I like to listen to classical music.)

encarregar (ehn-kah-reh-GAHR) to put in charge of, entrust

🗣️ Ele foi encarregado de liderar a equipe. (He was put in charge of leading the team.)

rodear (roh-deh-AHR) to surround

🗣️ O jardim é rodeado por uma bela cerca. (The garden is surrounded by a beautiful fence.)

basear (bah-SEHR) to base

🗣️ Essa decisão deve-se basear em fatos concretos. (This decision should be based on concrete facts.)

designar (deh-zee-nyahr) to designate

🗣️ Ela foi designada para liderar o projeto. (She was designated to lead the project.)

reproduzir (reh-proh-DZEE) to reproduce

🗣️ O aparelho pode reproduzir músicas e vídeos. (The device can reproduce music and videos.)

esgotar (ehs-goh-TAHR) to exhaust (supplies), deplete

🗣️ Vamos esgotar os recursos se não economizarmos. (We will exhaust the resources if we don't save.)

aquecer (ah-keh-SEHR) to heat

🗣️ Vamos aquecer a comida no micro-ondas. (Let's heat up the food in the microwave.)

plantar (plahn-TAHR) to plant

🗣️ Eles vão plantar flores no jardim. (They will plant flowers in the garden.)

violar (vee-oh-LAHR) to violate, rape

🗣️ Infelizmente, algumas leis podem ser violadas. (Unfortunately, some laws can be violated.)

acertar (ah-sehR-tahr) to be right on, hit the mark

🗣️ Ele conseguiu acertar o alvo com precisão. (He managed to hit the target accurately.)

aderir (ah-deh-REER) to adhere, join

🗣️ Eles decidiram aderir à nova proposta. (They decided to adhere to the new proposal.)

improvisar (eem-proh-vee-ZAHR) to improvise

🗣️ Eles vão improvisar uma apresentação. (They will improvise a presentation.)

abalar (ah-bah-LAHR) to shake, rock back and forth

🗣️ O terremoto pode abalar as construções. (The earthquake can shake the buildings.)

alegar (ah-leh-GAHR) to allege

🗣️ Ela decidiu alegar inocência no tribunal. (She decided to allege innocence in court.)

empurrar (ehm-poo-HAHR) to push

🗣️ Ela precisou empurrar o carro até o mecânico. (She had to push the car to the mechanic.)

devolver (deh-vohl-VEHR) to return (something)

🗣️ Por favor, devolva o livro à biblioteca. (Please return the book to the library.)

chorar (SHOH-rahr) to cry

🗣️ O bebê começou a chorar depois de cair. (The baby started crying after falling.)

avisar (ah-vee-ZAHR) to warn, advise, inform

🗣️ Vou avisar a equipe sobre a reunião. (I will inform the team about the meeting.)

investigar (een-vehs-tee-GAHR) to investigate

🗣️ A polícia vai investigar o crime ocorrido. (The police will investigate the crime that occurred.)

solicitar (soh-lee-see-TAHR) to solicit

🗣️ Os clientes podem solicitar um orçamento. (Customers can request a quote.)

autorizar (ow-toh-ree-ZAHR) to authorize

🗣️ A gerente vai autorizar o uso do cartão de crédito. (The manager will authorize the use of the credit card.)

aguardar (ah-goo-AHR-dahr) to await

🗣️ Vamos aguardar o resultado da votação. (Let's await the result of the vote.)

desconhecer (dehs-koh-nee-SEHR) to not know, ignore

🗣️ Ele prefere desconhecer a verdade. (He prefers to ignore the truth.)

cruzar (kroo-ZAHR) to cross

🗣️ Eles vão cruzar o rio pela ponte. (They will cross the river via the bridge.)

largar (lahr-GAHR) to release, get rid of

🗣️ Ele vai largar os papéis no lixo. (He will get rid of the papers in the trash.)

dispensar (dees-pehn-SAHR) to dismiss, give up, dispense

🗣️ Ela decidiu dispensar o empregado. (She decided to dismiss the employee.)

girar (zhee-RAHR) to spin, turn, rotate

🗣️ O carrossel vai girar rapidamente. (The carousel will spin quickly.)

rodar (ho-DAHR) to spin, turn around, roll

🗣️ A roda vai rodar rapidamente. (The wheel will spin quickly.)

movimentar (moh-vee-mehn-TAHR) to move

🗣️ Eles precisam movimentar os móveis para limpar o chão. (They need to move the furniture to clean the floor.)

traçar (trah-SAHR) to set (goals), plan, trace

🗣️ Ele vai traçar uma estratégia para o futuro. (He will set a strategy for the future.)

sobrar (soh-BRAHR) to remain, be left

🗣️ Ainda sobrou comida na geladeira. (There's still food left in the refrigerator.)

enterrar (ehn-teh-RAHR) to bury

🗣️ Eles vão enterrar o tesouro no jardim. (They will bury the treasure in the garden.)

acentuar (ah-sehn-too-AHR) to intensify, accentuate

🗣️ O ar condicionado vai acentuar o frio. (The air conditioning will intensify the cold.)

sonhar (sohn-YAHR) to dream

🗣️ Eu sempre sonhei em viajar pelo mundo. (I always dreamed of traveling the world.)

falhar (fah-LAHR) to fail

🗣️ Ele não quer falhar no exame. (He doesn't want to fail the exam.)

abranger (ah-BRAHN-gehr) to span, encompass

🗣️ O livro abrange diversos temas interessantes. (The book covers various interesting topics.)

pregar (PREH-gahr) to preach, nail

🗣️ O padre vai pregar um sermão na igreja. (The priest will preach a sermon at the church.)

liderar (lee-deh-RAHR) to lead

🗣️ Ele vai liderar o projeto com competência. (He will lead the project with competence.)

suspender (soo-spehn-DEHR) to suspend

🗣️ As aulas foram suspensas temporariamente. (Classes were suspended temporarily.)

lidar (lee-DAHR) to deal with, treat

🗣️ Ela sabe lidar com situações difíceis. (She knows how to deal with difficult situations.)

celebrar (seh-leh-BRAHR) to celebrate

🗣️ Vamos celebrar o aniversário com uma festa. (Let's celebrate the birthday with a party.)

captar (kahp-TAHR) to attract, capture

🗣️ Essa campanha visa captar novos clientes. (This campaign aims to attract new customers.)

relatar (reh-lah-TAHR) to narrate, relate

🗣️ Ele vai relatar sua experiência no livro. (He will narrate his experience in the book.)

derivar (deh-ree-VAHR) to derive

🗣️ Esse termo deriva do latim. (This term derives from Latin.)

disparar (dees-pah-RAHR) to fire (weapon)

🗣️ O policial teve que disparar em legítima defesa. (The police officer had to fire in self-defense.)

habitar (ah-bee-TAHR) to inhabit

🗣️ Os índios habitavam esta região há séculos. (The indigenous people inhabited this region for centuries.)

preservar (preh-sehr-VAHR) to preserve

🗣️ Devemos preservar a natureza. (We should preserve nature.)

efectuar (eh-fehk-TWAHR) to put into action, take place, perform

🗣️ Eles vão efectuar a compra amanhã. (They will make the purchase tomorrow.)

guiar (gee-AHR) to guide, lead

🗣️ Ela vai guiar o grupo na excursão. (She will guide the group on the excursion.)

partilhar (pahr-tee-LAHR) to share, divide among

🗣️ Eles costumam partilhar as tarefas domésticas. (They usually share household chores.)

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