Most Common Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Part VIII

Verbs from 700 to 800 most frequent.

100 words in this list

dificultar (dee-fee-cool-tar) to make difficult

🗣️ Dificultar o acesso ao local. (To make access to the place difficult.)

implantar (im-plan-tar) to initiate, implant

🗣️ O governo decidiu implantar um novo projeto. (The government decided to initiate a new project.)

prevenir (pre-veh-neer) to prevent

🗣️ É importante se prevenir contra doenças. (It's important to prevent against illnesses.)

despedir (des-peh-deer) to say goodbye, to fire (job)

🗣️ A empresa vai despedir alguns funcionários. (The company is going to fire some employees.)

ocultar (oh-cool-tar) to conceal, hide

🗣️ Ela tentou ocultar a verdade. (She tried to conceal the truth.)

explodir (ex-plo-deer) to explode

🗣️ A bomba vai explodir em breve. (The bomb is going to explode soon.)

imitar (ee-mee-tar) to imitate

🗣️ Ela consegue imitar várias vozes. (She can imitate various voices.)

anular (ah-noo-lar) to revoke, annul

🗣️ Eles decidiram anular o contrato. (They decided to revoke the contract.)

tapar (ta-par) to cover, close

🗣️ Ela decidiu tapar a janela. (She decided to cover the window.)

dotar (doh-tar) to endow, provide

🗣️ O governo vai dotar o hospital com novos equipamentos. (The government will provide the hospital with new equipment.)

deparar (deh-pa-rar) to run into, come across

🗣️ Ele se deparou com um antigo amigo na rua. (He ran into an old friend on the street.)

derrotar (deh-ro-tar) to defeat, overthrow

🗣️ O exército inimigo foi derrotado. (The enemy army was defeated.)

encomendar (en-ko-men-dar) to order, commission

🗣️ Eles encomendaram um bolo para a festa. (They ordered a cake for the party.)

torcer (tor-ser) to twist, root (for a team)

🗣️ Vamos torcer pelo nosso time no jogo de hoje. (Let's root for our team in today's match.)

testar (tes-tar) to test

🗣️ Vamos testar essa nova tecnologia. (Let's test this new technology.)

candidatar (can-dee-da-tar) to become a candidate

🗣️ Ele decidiu se candidatar ao cargo político. (He decided to run for the political position.)

dissolver (dees-sol-ver) to dissolve

🗣️ Ele conseguiu dissolver o açúcar na água. (He managed to dissolve the sugar in water.)

induzir (een-doo-zeer) to induce, incite

🗣️ O discurso do político induziu esperança nos cidadãos. (The politician's speech incited hope in the citizens.)

detectar (de-tek-tar) to detect

🗣️ O sensor pode detectar movimentos. (The sensor can detect movements.)

enfiar (en-fee-ar) to put into or through

🗣️ Ele enfiou a chave na fechadura. (He put the key into the lock.)

decorar (de-ko-rar) to memorize, decorate

🗣️ Ela precisa decorar o discurso para a apresentação. (She needs to memorize the speech for the presentation.)

coordenar (ko-or-de-nar) to manage, coordinate

🗣️ Ela sabe como coordenar uma equipe eficientemente. (She knows how to coordinate a team efficiently.)

fingir (feen-zheer) to pretend, fake

🗣️ Ele fingiu estar doente para não ir à escola. (He pretended to be sick to avoid going to school.)

restringir (res-trin-gir) to restrict

🗣️ Eles decidiram restringir o acesso ao local. (They decided to restrict access to the area.)

cheirar (shee-rar) to smell

🗣️ O bolo acabou de sair do forno e cheira delicioso. (The cake just came out of the oven and smells delicious.)

capturar (cap-too-rar) to capture

🗣️ A polícia conseguiu capturar o suspeito. (The police managed to capture the suspect.)

denominar (de-no-mee-nar) to call, name

🗣️ Eles decidiram denominar o novo produto 'InovaTech'. (They decided to name the new product 'InovaTech'.)

esmagar (es-ma-gar) to crush, smash

🗣️ Ele conseguiu esmagar a lata com as mãos. (He managed to crush the can with his hands.)

calhar (kal-yar) to happen (by accident) [EP]

🗣️ A chuva calhou bem, pois as plantas precisavam de água. (The rain happened to come at the right time, as the plants needed water.)

desprezar (des-pre-zar) to despise, ignore

🗣️ Ele decidiu desprezar os comentários negativos. (He decided to ignore the negative comments.)

livrar (lee-vrar) to free

🗣️ Os bombeiros conseguiram livrar as pessoas presas no elevador. (The firefighters managed to free the people trapped in the elevator.)

jurar (zhoo-car) to swear

🗣️ Ele jurou fidelidade à bandeira. (He swore allegiance to the flag.)

piorar (pee-o-rar) to get worse

🗣️ A situação pode piorar se não agirmos rapidamente. (The situation can get worse if we don't act quickly.)

desligar (des-lee-gar) to turn off, disconnect

🗣️ Não se esqueça de desligar a luz ao sair. (Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave.)

chocar (sho-car) to shock

🗣️ A notícia chocou a todos. (The news shocked everyone.)

reinar (ray-nar) to rule, reign

🗣️ O rei reinou por muitos anos. (The king reigned for many years.)

copiar (ko-pee-ar) to copy

🗣️ Ela copiou a lição do quadro-negro. (She copied the lesson from the blackboard.)

engolir (en-go-leer) to swallow

🗣️ Ele engoliu a pílula com um gole de água. (He swallowed the pill with a sip of water.)

mencionar (men-see-o-nar) to mention

🗣️ Ele mencionou seu novo projeto durante a apresentação. (He mentioned his new project during the presentation.)

apaixonar (a-pa-ee-sho-nar) to fall in love with

🗣️ Ela se apaixonou por um colega de trabalho. (She fell in love with a coworker.)

exportar (eks-por-tar) to export

🗣️ O país exporta muitos produtos agrícolas. (The country exports many agricultural products.)

doar (do-ar) to bequeath, donate

🗣️ Eles decidiram doar parte de seus ganhos para caridade. (They decided to donate part of their earnings to charity.)

escalar (es-ka-lar) to scale, climb

🗣️ Os montanhistas pretendem escalar a montanha mais alta. (The mountaineers intend to scale the highest mountain.)

brilhar (bree-lhar) to sparkle, shine

🗣️ As estrelas começaram a brilhar no céu noturno. (The stars began to sparkle in the night sky.)

culpar (kul-par) to blame, place guilt

🗣️ Não podemos culpar ninguém sem provas. (We can't blame anyone without evidence.)

recomeçar (re-ko-me-sar) to resume, restart

🗣️ Eles decidiram recomeçar o projeto do zero. (They decided to restart the project from scratch.)

comemorar (co-meh-mo-rar) to commemorate

🗣️ Vamos comemorar o aniversário juntos. (Let's commemorate the birthday together.)

editar (eh-dee-tar) to edit, publish

🗣️ O autor está editando seu novo livro. (The author is editing his new book.)

extinguir (es-teeng-geer) to extinguish

🗣️ Eles conseguiram extinguir o incêndio. (They managed to extinguish the fire.)

complicar (kom-plee-car) to complicate

🗣️ A situação começou a complicar. (The situation started to complicate.)

telefonar (te-le-fo-nar) to call, telephone

🗣️ Vou telefonar para minha mãe mais tarde. (I will call my mother later.)

precipitar (pre-cee-pee-tar) to come to a head, rush, act rashly

🗣️ Eles se precipitaram ao tomar a decisão. (They rushed to make the decision.)

gerir (zhe-zeer) to manage, direct, guide

🗣️ Ela sabe bem como gerir a empresa. (She knows well how to manage the company.)

provir (pro-veer) to come from, proceed from

🗣️ A tradição provém de tempos antigos. (The tradition comes from ancient times.)

hesitar (he-see-tar) to hesitate

🗣️ Ela hesitou antes de tomar a decisão. (She hesitated before making the decision.)

sublinhar (soob-lee-lyar) to emphasize, underline, stress [EP]

🗣️ Ele sublinhou a parte mais importante do texto. (He emphasized the most important part of the text.)

sumir (soo-meer) to disappear

🗣️ O objeto sumiu misteriosamente. (The object disappeared mysteriously.)

instituir (een-sti-to-eer) to institute

🗣️ O governo decidiu instituir novas leis. (The government decided to institute new laws.)

afundar (a-fun-dar) to sink

🗣️ O navio afundou durante a tempestade. (The ship sank during the storm.)

soar (so-ar) to sound

🗣️ A música soou alta e clara. (The music sounded loud and clear.)

fiar (fee-ar) to spin (cloth), trust

🗣️ A tecelã começou a fiar o fio de algodão. (The weaver began to spin the cotton thread.)

oscilar (os-see-lar) to shake, oscillate

🗣️ A lâmpada oscila quando o vento sopra. (The lamp oscillates when the wind blows.)

fotografar (fo-to-gra-far) to photograph

🗣️ Ela adora fotografar paisagens naturais. (She loves to photograph natural landscapes.)

reger (re-jer) to rule, manage, conduct (music)

🗣️ Ele costuma reger a orquestra com maestria. (He usually conducts the orchestra with mastery.)

vingar (veen-gar) to avenge, take revenge

🗣️ Ele jurou vingar a morte de seu amigo. (He swore to avenge his friend's death.)

revestir (he-ves-teer) to cover, line

🗣️ O sofá foi revestido com um tecido novo. (The sofa was lined with a new fabric.)

desconfiar (des-kon-fee-ar) to suspect, distrust

🗣️ Eu comecei a desconfiar das intenções dele. (I started to suspect his intentions.)

embarcar (em-bar-car) to embark

🗣️ Eles vão embarcar no navio amanhã. (They will embark on the ship tomorrow.)

perturbar (per-toor-bar) to disturb, trouble, annoy

🗣️ O barulho está perturbando a concentração. (The noise is disturbing the concentration.)

remeter (re-meh-ter) to send, remit, forward

🗣️ Vou remeter o pacote pelo correio. (I will send the package by mail.)

proclamar (pro-cla-mar) to proclaim

🗣️ O presidente proclamou a independência do país. (The president proclaimed the country's independence.)

brigar (bree-gar) to fight, argue [BP]

🗣️ Eles brigaram por causa do dinheiro. (They fought because of the money.)

irritar (ee-rree-tar) to irritate

🗣️ O barulho alto pode irritar as pessoas. (Loud noise can irritate people.)

fundir (foon-deer) to smelt, melt

🗣️ O calor fundiu o gelo rapidamente. (The heat melted the ice quickly.)

emergir (e-mer-zheer) to emerge

🗣️ O submarino começou a emergir das profundezas do oceano. (The submarine began to emerge from the depths of the ocean.)

picar (pee-car) to sting, prick, bite

🗣️ O inseto picou sua perna. (The insect stung his leg.)

filmar (feel-mar) to film

🗣️ Eles vão filmar um documentário sobre a natureza. (They will film a documentary about nature.)

espantar (es-pan-tar) to surprise

🗣️ O presente inesperado a espantou. (The unexpected gift surprised her.)

atrapalhar (ah-tra-pa-lyar) to get in the way of, frustrate

🗣️ O barulho do trânsito atrapalha a concentração. (Traffic noise gets in the way of concentration.)

incentivar (een-ten-see-var) to encourage, motivate

🗣️ O treinador incentivou a equipe antes do jogo. (The coach encouraged the team before the match.)

enxergar (en-shehr-gar) to catch sight of, make out

🗣️ Ele não conseguia enxergar nada na escuridão. (He couldn't see anything in the darkness.)

cansar (kan-sar) to get tired (+se)

🗣️ Ela se cansou depois de correr a maratona. (She got tired after running the marathon.)

disfarçar (dees-far-sar) to disguise, pretend

🗣️ Ele tentou disfarçar sua verdadeira identidade. (He tried to disguise his true identity.)

ousar (ou-zar) to dare

🗣️ Ela ousou saltar de paraquedas. (She dared to skydive.)

acender (a-cen-der) to light, turn on the lights

🗣️ Ela acendeu as velas para criar um ambiente romântico. (She lit the candles to create a romantic atmosphere.)

contestar (kon-tes-tar) to contest, appeal

🗣️ Ela resolveu contestar a decisão do juiz. (She decided to appeal the judge's decision.)

aprofundar (a-pro-fun-dar) to go into depth, deepen

🗣️ O pesquisador decidiu aprofundar o estudo. (The researcher decided to go into depth with the study.)

refugiar (re-foo-zhee-ar) to take refuge (+se)

🗣️ Eles decidiram se refugiar na montanha durante a tempestade. (They decided to take refuge in the mountains during the storm.)

secar (se-car) to dry

🗣️ Ela pendurou as roupas para secar ao sol. (She hung the clothes to dry in the sun.)

comparecer (kom-pa-re-cer) to attend, appear at

🗣️ Ele vai comparecer à reunião amanhã. (He will attend the meeting tomorrow.)

apressar (ah-pre-sar) to hurry, hasten

🗣️ Vamos apressar o trabalho para terminar mais cedo. (Let's hurry up with the work to finish earlier.)

rebentar (he-ben-tar) to burst, explode

🗣️ O pneu do carro rebentou. (The car's tire burst.)

proferir (pro-feer-eer) to utter, state, say

🗣️ O orador proferiu um discurso inspirador. (The speaker delivered an inspiring speech.)

dispersar (dees-per-sar) to disperse, scatter

🗣️ O vento dispersou as folhas pelo jardim. (The wind scattered the leaves around the garden.)

rezar (reh-zar) to say a rote prayer

🗣️ Ela gosta de rezar antes de dormir. (She likes to say a rote prayer before sleeping.)

navegar (na-ve-gar) to navigate

🗣️ Eles vão navegar pelo oceano em um barco. (They will navigate the ocean on a boat.)

curar (ku-rar) to cure, heal

🗣️ O médico conseguiu curar o paciente. (The doctor managed to cure the patient.)

pressionar (pre-see-o-nar) to pressure, press

🗣️ O chefe começou a pressioná-lo para terminar o projeto. (The boss started pressuring him to finish the project.)

morder (mor-der) to bite

🗣️ O cachorro mordeu o brinquedo. (The dog bit the toy.)

alugar (a-lu-gar) to rent

🗣️ Eles decidiram alugar um apartamento no centro da cidade. (They decided to rent an apartment in the city center.)

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