Music Instruments in Brazilian Portuguese

A list of the 30 most common words and phrases related to music instruments in Brazilian Portuguese with translations and examples.

24 words in this list

trompete (trohm-PEH-teh) trumpet

🗣️ O trompetista está tocando trompete na orquestra. (The trumpeter is playing trumpet in the orchestra.)

violino (vee-oh-LEE-noo) violin

🗣️ A violinista está tocando violino na sinfonia. (The violinist is playing violin in the symphony.)

clarinete (klah-ree-NEH-teh) clarinet

🗣️ O clarinetista está tocando clarinete na banda de música popular. (The clarinetist is playing clarinet in the popular music band.)

repique (heh-PEE-keh) repinique (Brazilian drum)

🗣️ O músico está tocando repique no bloco de carnaval. (The musician is playing repinique in the carnival group.)

cuíca (KOO-ee-kah) cuíca (Brazilian)

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando cuíca na escola de samba. (The percussionist is playing cuíca in the samba school.)

saxofone (sahk-soh-FOH-neh) saxophone

🗣️ O solista de jazz está tocando saxofone. (The jazz soloist is playing saxophone.)

surdo (SOO-rdoh) surdo (Brazilian bass drum)

🗣️ O ritmista está tocando surdo na bateria da escola de samba. (The rhythm player is playing surdo in the drum kit of the samba school.)

agogo (ah-GOH-goh) agogo bells (Brazilian)

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando agogo na escola de samba. (The percussionist is playing agogo bells in the samba school.)

atabaque (ah-tah-BAH-keh) atabaque (Brazilian drum)

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando atabaque na roda de capoeira. (The percussionist is playing atabaque in the capoeira circle.)

baixo (BAH-shoh) bass guitar

🗣️ O baixista toca baixo na banda de rock. (The bassist plays bass guitar in the rock band.)

violão (vee-oh-LAH-oh) acoustic guitar

🗣️ Eu aprendi a tocar violão quando era criança. (I learned how to play acoustic guitar when I was a child.)

piano (pee-AH-noo) piano

🗣️ Ele está tocando piano na sala de concertos. (He is playing piano in the concert hall.)

tamborim (tahm-boh-REEN) tambourine

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando tamborim na escola de samba. (The percussionist is playing tambourine in the samba school.)

chocalho (shoh-KAHL-yoh) rattle (Brazilian)

🗣️ O músico está tocando chocalho na música de maracatu. (The musician is playing rattle in the maracatu music.)

guitarra elétrica (gee-tah-RAH eh-LEH-tree-kah) electric guitar

🗣️ Ele comprou uma guitarra elétrica nova. (He bought a new electric guitar.)

flauta (FLAH-oo-tah) flute

🗣️ O flautista está tocando flauta na música clássica. (The flutist is playing flute in classical music.)

pandeira (pahn-day-EE-rah) tambourine (Portuguese)

🗣️ Ela está tocando pandeira na música folclórica. (She is playing tambourine in folk music.)

triângulo (tree-AHN-goo-loo) triangle

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando triângulo na banda de música. (The percussionist is playing triangle in the music band.)

bateria (beh-TEH-ree-ah) drum kit

🗣️ O baterista está tocando a bateria. (The drummer is playing the drum kit.)

teclado (teh-KLAH-doh) keyboard

🗣️ Ela está tocando teclado na banda de jazz. (She is playing keyboard in the jazz band.)

órgão (OH-rh-gah-oo) organ

🗣️ O organista está tocando órgão na igreja. (The organist is playing organ in the church.)

pandeiro (pahn-day-ROO) tambourine (Brazilian)

🗣️ O sambista está tocando pandeiro na roda de samba. (The samba musician is playing Brazilian tambourine in the samba circle.)

cavaquinho (kah-vah-KEE-nyoo) cavaquinho (Brazilian)

🗣️ O músico está tocando cavaquinho no choro. (The musician is playing cavaquinho in the choro music style.)

caxixi (kah-SHEE-shee) caxixi (Brazilian shaker)

🗣️ O percussionista está tocando caxixi na banda de música africana. (The percussionist is playing caxixi in the African music band.)

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