Psychology and Mind in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to psychology and mind in Mandarin Chinese with English translations and examples.

36 words in this list

自尊心 (zì zūn xīn) self-esteem

🗣️ 他的自尊心很强。 (His self-esteem is very strong.)

焦虑 (jiāo lǜ) anxiety

🗣️ 她一直感到很焦虑。 (She has been feeling very anxious.)

记忆 (jì yì) memory

🗣️ 我的记忆力很好。 (My memory is very good.)

心理学 (xīn lǐ xué) psychology

🗣️ 我对心理学很感兴趣。 (I am very interested in psychology.)

抑郁症 (yì yù zhèng) depression

🗣️ 他被诊断出患有抑郁症。 (He was diagnosed with depression.)

潜意识 (qián yì shí) subconscious

🗣️ 我们的潜意识影响着我们的行为。 (Our subconscious affects our behavior.)

决策 (jué cè) decision-making

🗣️ 他在公司担任决策者。 (He is a decision-maker in the company.)

注意力 (zhù yì lì) attention

🗣️ 他缺乏注意力。 (He lacks attention.)

悲伤 (bēi shāng) sadness

🗣️ 她的悲伤无法用言语表达。 (Her sadness cannot be expressed in words.)

快乐 (kuài lè) happiness

🗣️ 快乐是人类追求的目标之一。 (Happiness is one of the goals that humans pursue.)

压力 (yā lì) pressure

🗣️ 工作压力很大。 (The work pressure is high.)

痛苦 (tòng kǔ) pain

🗣️ 失去亲人是一种痛苦的经历。 (Losing a loved one is a painful experience.)

自卑感 (zì bēi gǎn) inferiority complex

🗣️ 她一直有自卑感。 (She has always had an inferiority complex.)

压力 (yā lì) pressure

🗣️ 工作给他带来了很大的压力。 (Work has brought him a lot of pressure.)

意识 (yì shí) consciousness

🗣️ 他失去了意识。 (He lost consciousness.)

无意识 (wú yì shí) unconscious

🗣️ 他的行为是无意识的。 (His behavior was unconscious.)

意志力 (yì zhì lì) willpower

🗣️ 成功需要强大的意志力。 (Success requires strong willpower.)

自我意识 (zì wǒ yì shí) self-awareness

🗣️ 自我意识是一个人成长的重要部分。 (Self-awareness is an important part of a person's growth.)

压抑 (yā yì) suppression

🗣️ 他一直在压抑自己的感情。 (He has been suppressing his emotions.)

情绪 (qíng xù) emotion

🗣️ 他的情绪非常低落。 (His emotions are very low.)

心理治疗 (xīn lǐ zhì liáo) psychotherapy

🗣️ 他正在接受心理治疗。 (He is currently undergoing psychotherapy.)

感知 (gǎn zhī) perception

🗣️ 感知是人类获取信息的一种方式。 (Perception is a way for humans to acquire information.)

记忆力 (jì yì lì) memory capacity

🗣️ 他的记忆力很强。 (His memory capacity is very strong.)

犹豫不决 (yóu yù bù jué) indecisive

🗣️ 他总是犹豫不决。 (He is always indecisive.)

情感 (qíng gǎn) emotion

🗣️ 情感是人类的基本需求之一。 (Emotion is one of the basic needs of humans.)

享受 (xiǎng shòu) enjoyment

🗣️ 他享受着自己的成功。 (He is enjoying his success.)

心态 (xīn tài) mentality

🗣️ 积极的心态可以帮助你克服困难。 (A positive mentality can help you overcome difficulties.)

认知 (rèn zhī) cognition

🗣️ 认知能力是人类智慧的重要组成部分。 (Cognitive ability is an important component of human intelligence.)

遗忘 (yí wàng) forgetfulness

🗣️ 老年人常常遭受遗忘的困扰。 (Elderly people often suffer from forgetfulness.)

专注 (zhuān zhù) focus

🗣️ 她一直专注于自己的工作。 (She has always been focused on her work.)

选择 (xuǎn zé) choice

🗣️ 你需要做出正确的选择。 (You need to make the right choice.)

焦虑 (jiāo lǜ) anxiety

🗣️ 他的焦虑影响了他的工作。 (His anxiety affected his work.)

幸福 (xìng fú) happiness

🗣️ 他认为家庭是幸福的源泉。 (He believes that family is the source of happiness.)

分心 (fēn xīn) distracted

🗣️ 他很容易被其他事情分心。 (He is easily distracted by other things.)

愤怒 (fèn nù) anger

🗣️ 他的愤怒让他失去了理智。 (His anger made him lose his reason.)

满足 (mǎn zú) satisfaction

🗣️ 她对自己的生活感到很满足。 (She is very satisfied with her life.)

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