Talking about weather in Mandarin Chinese

List of 30 common words and phrases related to weather in Mandarin Chinese with English translation and examples.

30 words in this list

下雨 (xià yǔ) rain

🗣️ 外面正在下雨。 (It's raining outside.)

雷雨 (léi yǔ) thunderstorm

🗣️ 昨天晚上有一场雷雨。 (There was a thunderstorm last night.)

温暖 (wēn nuǎn) warm

🗣️ 春天的阳光很温暖。 (The sunshine in spring is very warm.)

气压 (qì yā) air pressure

🗣️ 气压的变化会影响天气。 (Changes in air pressure can affect the weather.)

转晴 (zhuǎn qíng) clearing up

🗣️ 下午天气会转晴。 (The weather will clear up in the afternoon.)

阴天 (yīn tiān) cloudy day

🗣️ 今天是阴天。 (Today is a cloudy day.)

台风 (tái fēng) typhoon

🗣️ 台风即将来临。 (The typhoon is about to arrive.)

寒冷 (hán lěng) cold

🗣️ 这个冬天非常寒冷。 (This winter is very cold.)

季节 (jì jié) season

🗣️ 春天是我的最爱的季节。 (Spring is my favorite season.)

多云 (duō yún) partly cloudy

🗣️ 今天的天气有些多云。 (Today's weather is partly cloudy.)

冰雹 (bīng báo) hail

🗣️ 冰雹打坏了我的车窗。 (Hail broke my car window.)

降温 (jiàng wēn) temperature drop

🗣️ 明天会有一次降温。 (There will be a temperature drop tomorrow.)

天气 (tiān qì) weather

🗣️ 今天的天气很好。 (Today's weather is very good.)

晴天 (qíng tiān) sunny day

🗣️ 明天会是晴天。 (Tomorrow will be a sunny day.)

刮风 (guā fēng) windy

🗣️ 今天刮风了。 (It's windy today.)

霜冻 (shuāng dòng) frost

🗣️ 昨晚有霜冻。 (There was frost last night.)

潮湿 (cháo shī) humid

🗣️ 雨季的时候很潮湿。 (It's very humid during the rainy season.)

晴朗 (qíng lǎng) clear and sunny

🗣️ 今天的天气非常晴朗。 (Today's weather is very clear and sunny.)

暴雨 (bào yǔ) heavy rain

🗣️ 昨晚下了一场暴雨。 (There was a heavy rain last night.)

雨天 (yǔ tiān) rainy day

🗣️ 明天会是雨天。 (Tomorrow will be a rainy day.)

大风 (dà fēng) strong wind

🗣️ 昨天有很大的风。 (There was a strong wind yesterday.)

闪电 (shǎn diàn) lightning

🗣️ 我很喜欢看闪电。 (I really enjoy watching lightning.)

炎热 (yán rè) hot

🗣️ 夏天非常炎热。 (Summer is very hot.)

湿度 (shī dù) humidity

🗣️ 湿度很高,所以感觉很闷。 (The humidity is high, so it feels stuffy.)

渐凉 (jiàn liáng) cooling down

🗣️ 天气开始渐凉了。 (The weather is starting to cool down.)

下雪 (xià xuě) snow

🗣️ 冬天经常下雪。 (It often snows in winter.)

气温 (qì wēn) temperature

🗣️ 今天的气温很舒适。 (Today's temperature is very comfortable.)

干燥 (gān zào) dry

🗣️ 这个地区非常干燥。 (This region is very dry.)

天气预报 (tiān qì yù bào) weather forecast

🗣️ 我每天都看天气预报。 (I check the weather forecast every day.)

寒流 (hán liú) cold wave

🗣️ 寒流来袭,要注意保暖。 (A cold wave is coming, be sure to keep warm.)

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