Video Games and Virtual Reality in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to video games and virtual reality in Mandarin Chinese.

29 words in this list

挑战 (tiaozhan) challenge

🗣️ 这个游戏有很多挑战。 (This game has a lot of challenges.)

音效 (yinxiao) sound effects

🗣️ 这个游戏的音效很逼真。 (The sound effects of this game are very realistic.)

加载 (jiazai) load

🗣️ 我需要加载我的游戏进度。 (I need to load my game progress.)

单人游戏 (danren youxi) single player game

🗣️ 我喜欢玩单人游戏,可以更加专注于故事情节。 (I like playing single player games, it allows me to focus more on the storyline.)

多人游戏 (duoren youxi) multiplayer game

🗣️ 我们可以一起玩这个多人游戏。 (We can play this multiplayer game together.)

角色 (juese) character

🗣️ 我最喜欢的角色是那个勇敢的战士。 (My favorite character is that brave warrior.)

暴力 (baoli) violence

🗣️ 我不喜欢玩太暴力的游戏。 (I don't like playing games that are too violent.)

保存 (baocun) save

🗣️ 我需要保存我的游戏进度。 (I need to save my game progress.)

退出 (tuichu) exit

🗣️ 我需要退出游戏。 (I need to exit the game.)

控制器 (kongzhiqi) controller

🗣️ 我需要一个新的控制器来玩这个游戏。 (I need a new controller to play this game.)

玩家 (wanjia) player

🗣️ 这个游戏有很多玩家。 (This game has a lot of players.)

电竞 (dianjing) esports

🗣️ 电竞比赛很受欢迎。 (Esports competitions are very popular.)

任务 (renwu) mission

🗣️ 我正在完成这个游戏的任务。 (I am completing the missions of this game.)

游戏界面 (youxi jiemian) game interface

🗣️ 这个游戏的界面很简洁。 (The interface of this game is very simple.)

下载 (xiazaì) download

🗣️ 我需要下载这个游戏才能玩。 (I need to download this game in order to play.)

游戏 (youxi) game

🗣️ 我喜欢玩电子游戏。 (I like playing video games.)

关卡 (guanqia) level

🗣️ 我已经通过了这个游戏的第十关。 (I have passed level ten of this game.)

装备 (zhuangbei) equipment

🗣️ 这个游戏需要一些好的装备才能胜利。 (This game requires good equipment to win.)

在线游戏 (zaixian youxi) online game

🗣️ 我和我的朋友们经常一起玩在线游戏。 (My friends and I often play online games together.)

图形 (tuxing) graphics

🗣️ 这个游戏的图形很漂亮。 (The graphics of this game are very beautiful.)

安装 (anzhuang) install

🗣️ 我需要安装这个游戏才能开始玩。 (I need to install this game in order to start playing.)

故事情节 (gushi qingjie) storyline

🗣️ 我喜欢这个游戏的故事情节。 (I like the storyline of this game.)

虚拟现实 (xuni xianshi) virtual reality

🗣️ 这个游戏有很棒的虚拟现实体验。 (This game has a great virtual reality experience.)

角色扮演 (juese banyan) role-playing

🗣️ 我最喜欢的游戏类型是角色扮演。 (My favorite type of game is role-playing.)

游戏机 (youxiji) game console

🗣️ 我正在考虑买一个新的游戏机。 (I am considering buying a new game console.)

游戏玩法 (youxi wanfa) gameplay

🗣️ 这个游戏的玩法很有趣。 (The gameplay of this game is very interesting.)

卡通 (katong) cartoon

🗣️ 这个游戏的卡通风格很可爱。 (The cartoon style of this game is very cute.)

升级 (shengji) upgrade

🗣️ 我需要升级我的装备才能继续游戏。 (I need to upgrade my equipment in order to continue the game.)

模拟器 (moniqi) emulator

🗣️ 我正在使用模拟器来玩旧的游戏。 (I am using an emulator to play old games.)

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