Food and Dining in Mandarin Chinese

A list of 30 common words and phrases related to food and dining in Mandarin Chinese with English translations and examples.

34 words in this list

咸的 (xián de) salty

🗣️ 这道菜太咸了。 (This dish is too salty.)

辣的 (là de) spicy

🗣️ 我喜欢吃辣的食物。 (I like to eat spicy food.)

熟的 (shú de) cooked

🗣️ 这个鸡蛋已经熟了。 (This egg is already cooked.)

餐厅 (cān tīng) restaurant

🗣️ 我喜欢去餐厅吃晚饭。 (I like to go to a restaurant for dinner.)

服务员 (fú wù yuán) waiter/waitress

🗣️ 服务员,买单。 (Waiter, the bill please.)

米饭 (mǐ fàn) rice

🗣️ 请给我一碗米饭。 (Please give me a bowl of rice.)

炒菜 (chǎo cài) stir-fried vegetables

🗣️ 我喜欢吃炒菜。 (I like to eat stir-fried vegetables.)

水果 (shuǐ guǒ) fruit

🗣️ 我喜欢吃水果,尤其是草莓。 (I like to eat fruit, especially strawberries.)

白酒 (bái jiǔ) white spirit

🗣️ 白酒是中国的一种传统饮品。 (White spirit is a traditional Chinese beverage.)

甜的 (tián de) sweet

🗣️ 我喜欢吃甜的食物。 (I like to eat sweet food.)

嫩的 (nèn de) tender

🗣️ 这个牛肉很嫩。 (This beef is very tender.)

菜单 (cài dān) menu

🗣️ 请给我一份菜单。 (Please give me a menu.)

(yán) salt

🗣️ 请给我一点儿盐。 (Please give me a little salt.)

火锅 (huǒ guō) hot pot

🗣️ 冬天吃火锅很暖和。 (Eating hot pot in winter is very warm.)

咖啡 (kā fēi) coffee

🗣️ 我每天早上都要喝一杯咖啡。 (I drink a cup of coffee every morning.)

酸的 (suān de) sour

🗣️ 这个柠檬汁很酸。 (This lemon juice is very sour.)

生的 (shēng de) raw

🗣️ 这个三文鱼可以生吃。 (This salmon can be eaten raw.)

饭店 (fàn diàn) hotel/restaurant

🗣️ 这家饭店的菜很好吃。 (The food at this restaurant is very delicious.)

胡椒粉 (hú jiāo fěn) pepper

🗣️ 请给我一点儿胡椒粉。 (Please give me a little pepper.)

(tāng) soup

🗣️ 这个鸡肉汤很好喝。 (This chicken soup is very tasty.)

炒饭 (chǎo fàn) fried rice

🗣️ 我想要一份炒饭。 (I would like a serving of fried rice.)

甜点 (tián diǎn) dessert

🗣️ 这个巧克力蛋糕是我的最爱。 (This chocolate cake is my favorite.)

啤酒 (pí jiǔ) beer

🗣️ 夏天喝一杯冰啤酒很舒服。 (Drinking a cold beer in summer is very comfortable.)

红酒 (hóng jiǔ) red wine

🗣️ 这瓶红酒很好喝。 (This bottle of red wine is very tasty.)

苦的 (kǔ de) bitter

🗣️ 这个咖啡有点苦。 (This coffee is a bit bitter.)

香的 (xiāng de) fragrant

🗣️ 这道菜很香。 (This dish is very fragrant.)

厨师 (chú shī) chef

🗣️ 这位厨师做的菜真棒! (The dishes made by this chef are great!)

点菜 (diǎn cài) order food

🗣️ 我们现在可以点菜了吗? (Can we order food now?)

面条 (miàn tiáo) noodles

🗣️ 我想吃一碗牛肉面条。 (I want to eat a bowl of beef noodles.)

烤鸭 (kǎo yā) roast duck

🗣️ 北京烤鸭是中国的特色美食之一。 (Beijing roast duck is one of China's specialty dishes.)

(chá) tea

🗣️ 请给我一杯茶。 (Please give me a cup of tea.)

主菜 (zhǔ cài) main course

🗣️ 这道红烧肉是我们的主菜。 (This braised pork is our main course.)

开胃菜 (kāi wèi cài) appetizer

🗣️ 这个凉拌黄瓜是一道很好的开胃菜。 (This cucumber salad is a very good appetizer.)

脆的 (cuì de) crispy

🗣️ 这个炸鸡很脆。 (This fried chicken is very crispy.)

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